Chapter 25: Unpredictable Power

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(Starting Chapter 24 onwards, Ash's cloak will no longer be used at the moment but he will definitely use it when the time is needed. So his cloak is on his backpack.)

With Lillie,

Time: 2:55 pm

Professor Juniper - "That will be all for today. I hope all of you have many friends in this first day of school. Oh before I forgot, there will be new student here in Crystal University and he will make his appearance. Full details will be announced during the assembly tommorow at the auditorium in the morning. That's all and have a good day to everyone."

The she leaves the classroom while the students greeted her when she leaves.

With the gang,

Mallow - "I wonder who is the new student."

Lana - "Aren't you listening earlier, she said HE will attend this school tomorrow." she said giving emphasis to the word "he".

Mallow - "No, I mean, what is his name."

Lana - "Okay."

Then they laughed each other for a while and Dawn said,

Dawn - "I hope he is handsome." she said while daydreaming his ideal man also blushing.

May - "Yeah, I hope so."

Then they chatting each other with random stuff until they reached the main gate which is also the exit.

Lillie - "Well guys see you tomorrow." she said while waving her hand to the gang.

The gang - "Bye Lillie, take care!"

Lillie - "Yeah, Thanks guys. You take care also!"

The gang - "We will!"

Then they separated their pathways. After 15 minutes of walking, Lillie managed to get home safely. She then open the door and her mom said to her,

Lusamine - "How was your school today?" she asked.

Lillie - "It's great mom, I have created many friends in a single day." she said happily.

Lusamine - "Glad to hear about that."

Lillie then saw Ash there sitting on the couch and she said to him,

Lillie - "Back we where talking about earlier, you say teleport? How did you do that?" she asked curiously.

Ash - "Ahhh, My past life. Okay, how should I start this. Hm..... Oh yeah here we go. After my mom died, I went to Mount Silver to train and while I was walking I saw this pokèmon. Wait before that, We should get outside."

Lillie - "Okay."

Then they proceed to the battlefield.

Ash - "I didn't realized that you have a battlefield. Anyways, here is this pokèmon."

He then released Arceus by using his nanodex. Then after a bright blue light faded, A white centaur like pokèmon that is larger than a regular Arceus.

Lillie stared in awe and shock and asked Ash,

Lillie - "How did you managed to catch Arceus?! From what I have red, it is the creator of all pokèmon."

Ash - "First, I did not catch her. She herself wanted to come and travel with me. Secondly, I am the God of Equality. And lastly, she give the Aura which is the life force of all living things here and I am the one who can only manipulate it. " he explained.

Lillie gasped when she heard the phrase, "God of Equality."

Lillie - "D-Did you say 'God of Equality'??" she said while shaking a little.

Lusamine - "Huh, even I didn't know about that."

Ash - "Yeah, that's why I am the one who stop the destruction here in Alola way back. Ever since I mastered Aura manipulation, I can use attacks without consuming energy." he further explained.

Lillie - "Interesting."

Ash then recalled his Arceus again using his nanodex and Lillie notice that and said,

Lillie - "What is that?" pointing at the nanodex.

Ash - "Oh, this is a nanodex, the upgraded version of Pokédex. Made by Professor Oak for me to use during my travels. It is a type of pokèdex that can hold unlimited pokèmon and many other stuffs." he explained.

Lillie - "Oh, okay. Anyways, thanks for the explanation and we need go back to the mansion."

Ash - "I'll catch you up."

Lillie - "Are you sure?"

Ash - "Yes."

Lillie - "Okay."

She and her mom go back to the mansion.

With Ash,

Ash - "Come on out."

Then 7 pokèmon appeared in front of Ash and Arceus was also there.

Ash - "I called you guys so that I can transfer you to pokèball. Is it okay to you guys, to transfer on the pokèball?"

Charizard - "Okay."

Lucario - "I'm in."

Dragonite - "Agreed."

Then Arceus, Scizor, Hydreigon and Tyranitar nodded their heads, signifying it's a yes.

Ash - "Thanks guys."

He then recalled them into a pokèball and Arceus is on the Master Ball which was on Ash's necklace. After that, he went back inside the mansion and when he returned, he saw Lusamine, Lillie and the butler is eating dinner.

Lusamine - "Come on, Ash join us."

Ash - "Okay."

Ash then proceed to them, sat down and began eating. After eating and chatting each other, They now proceed to their bedrooms.

Lusamine - "Ash, you will be sleeping from Lillie's bedroom from now on." she told him.

When Lillie hear this, she was blushing hard because he will be sleeping with Ash.

Ash - "Thanks Lusamine. Thanks for accompanying me and for my second mother." He then hugged her and Lusamine was surprised and blushed as well.

Lusamine - "Huh, I didn't expect that."

After a while they broke the hug and they proceed to their designated bedrooms and sleep peacefully.

With Ash and Lillie,

Lillie -"Umm, Ash I think we have a problem."

Ash - "What is it?"

Lillie - "We only have one bed."

Ash - "Oh, no need to worry, we can just share your bed." he reassured.

Lillie - "Are you sure?"

Ash - "Yes I am sure. Now it's getting late we should sleep. Goodnight Lillie, see you in the morning." after saying that, he instantly fell asleep.

'Ash is a lot more cuter when he was asleep.' Lillie thought and giggled softly. She then whispered to his ear and said,

Lillie - "Goodnight Ash, Sweet dreams." she said with sweetness from her voice.

Then Lillie fell also asleep besides with Ash on the right and she didn't know that she hugged him while they are sleeping.

To be continued...

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