Chapter 9: The Journey Starts!

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After eliminating Team Rocket, Ash is now very happy and relieved because he was able to gain justice to his mother and ready to start a journey towards his dream to become a Pokèmon Master.

Ash - "All right Pikachu, Since Team Rocket is gone from existence, our journey will now begin. Let's pack and arrange ourselves."

Pikachu - "Okay!" he said excitedly.

After Ash and Pikachu arranging and packing some stuff themselves, Ash suddenly feel that there is someone talking to him through telepathy so, he closed his eyes and what he see on his mind is Arceus. Arceus began their conversation saying,

In Ash's mind:

Arceus - "Good thing you avenge the death of your mother, son. I am really pleased that you are now happy with your life. From now on, when you encounter the other evil organizations, you will stop/eliminate them once and for all. I am counting on you that you will make this responsibility of yours and good luck with your journey."

Ash - "Thanks Mother and I will." he said while smiling. "Anyways, is that all you want to say with me?"

Arceus - "Yes, Ash. I need you to open your eyes and when that happens, you will be back into reality."

With that being said, Ash opened his eyes and what he sees is he is still standing on his place not moving and Pikachu questioned him,

Pikachu - "Oh Ash, finally your back into reality. What just happened a while ago?"

Ash - "Oh, right. I am talking to Arceus through telepathy."

Pikachu - "Oh, okay..."

Ash - "So, you ready?"

Pikachu - "Yeah, I can't wait to meet more new pokèmon and friends!"

Ash - "All right, let's go!!"

He and his Pikachu started walking away from their place and their journey to become a Pokèmon Master begins.

Note: (Sorry for the short chapter again, guys. I literally have no more idea/s to make this chapter longer. I hope you understand me.)

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