Season 2, Chapter 21: Finale

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Referee - Let the second round, begin!

Ash - I'll take the first turn, Pikachu transform to your new form, the Two-tailed God form!

Perseus - What?! Two-tailed God mode? Since when did his Pikachu achieve that?

Pikachu yelled at the top of his lungs, and a massive golden-yellow aura emerged from his body. The transformation made a large explosion of electricity all around on the stadium.

After 10 minutes of transforming, Pikachu now achieved his new form.

(Pikachu's new form, Two-tailed God form)

The Champions including Cynthia herself did not see this coming and they witness the power of Ash's Pikachu

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The Champions including Cynthia herself did not see this coming and they witness the power of Ash's Pikachu.

Ash - Pikachu now has 3 different transformations. The first is his God form, second is Demonic God form and third one is this, I call it Two-tailed God form. All of those forms differ in elements but their common element type is Electric. He achieved and fully mastered this form days before the Ultimate Championship Tournament.

Kyle - Only in days? But I thought it will take years to fully mastered the God mode of a pokémon.

Ash - That's because I blessed my Pikachu a bit of my God essence before the match. As a matter of fact, all of my pokémon has God essence coursing through their body and they can transform into their God form.

Kyle - All of them?

Ash - Yup. Now, let's start. Pikachu use Double Slap with your tails.

Pikachu rushed to Shaymin at great speed to perform Double Slap.

Kyle - Quick, change to your Sky forme, Shaymin!

Shaymin immediately transformed to her Sky forme and began to fly as she successfully dodged the attack.

Ash - Very clever. But my Pikachu can fly as well.

Iris - What?!

Perseus - Why of course. When a Pokémon has received God essence, they will learn to fly even without wings. He explained to Iris.

Iris - Oh I see. That caught me off guard.

Kyle - Use Hyper Beam!

Shaymin opened her mouth and fired an orange beam from her mouth to Pikachu.

Ash - Use Protect!

Pikachu closed his eyes and a green barrier appeared from his body, protecting from any attacks.

The Hyper Beam hit the barrier as it made an explosion.

When the explosion died down, Pikachu unsummons his barrier.

Ash - Not bad. Pikachu use Thunderbolt!

Kyle - Dodge it!

Pikachu unleash his powerful thunderbolt attack. Shaymin managed to dodge the attack.

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