Season 2, Chapter 12: Brawl of the Fusions

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Referee - Suizard vs. Entizard, let the sixth begin!

Perseus - Suizard, use Flare Blitz!

Suizard charges at the opponent. As it does, it leaves behind a trail of orange fire. The fire then reaches Suizard and circles around its body until completely covering Suizard's body like a fiery aura. Suizard then slams into the opponent with great force. As it runs, it leaves behind a trail of orange fire.

Ash - Dodge then use Iron Tail!

Entizard dodged the attack by jumping and his tail glowed in metallic gray, ready to slam it with Suizard.

Perseus - Suizard, dodge it!

Suizard leap to his right and he successfully dodged the attack. When Entizard's tail hit the ground, it causes an explosion of dust.

Perseus - Quick use Flamethrower!

After the dodging the attack, Suizard opens his mouth and a bluish-white stream of fire is heading towards to Entizard who blocks the attack by using his wings.

After blocking the attack with his wings, Entizard uses Battle Roar to increase his attack and Special Attack by 20%.

Total Buffs of Entizard:
Attack - 20%
Special Attack - 20%

Ash - Now use Fire Fang!

Entizard's mouth and fangs become surrounded in bluish-white flames and it bites down on the opponent.

Perseus - Block it with your wings, Suizard!

Suizard then uses his wings to block the attack. When Entizard bites Suizard, it doesn't have an effect at all. After that Suizard roared with his wings spreading out and knocking Entizard back as he glared at him.

Ash - Entizard, use Calm Mind!

Entizard closes his eyes and began to calm his mind, increasing his special attack, special defense, accuracy and precision by 20%.

Total Buffs of Entizard:
Attack - 20%
Special Attack - 40%
Special Defense - 20%
Accuracy - 20%
Precision - 20%

Perseus - Suizard use Lock-On.

Suizard's eyes glows red and it releases a red ring at the opponent from its body. The red ring shoots at the opponent and grows smaller when it reaches the opponent, turning into a red target that sticks to the opponent. The next attack Suizard uses cannot miss, and will curve should the target move. Suizard's accuracy was also increased by 100%.

Total Buff of Suizard:
Accuracy - 100%

Perseus - From here, you will never be able to dodge any attack. Suizard use Hydro Pump!

Suizard blasts a powerful jet of water out of his mouth at the opponent.

Ash smirked and said,

Ash - Entizard, use Mirror Move!

Entizard then copied Suizard's Hydro Pump attack as he opens his mouth and releases a powerful jet of water at Suizard.

The two attacks collided with each other and fighting for dominance.

As the two pokémon increases their power, their attacks grew bigger and unfortunately for Entizard, Suizard is overpowering him and the attack hit him head on dealing twice the damage due to being Fire-type pokémon. Entizard then hit the wall and Suizard roared loudly with his wings spreading out.

Perseus - Before he can recover, Use Zen Headbutt!

Suizard's head and eyes glows blue and becomes surrounded in a light blue reflective shield. He then slams his head into the opponent.

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