Chapter 44: Power of the Deadly Sins

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Once again, the showdown had resumed. The Seven Deadly Sin pokémon all started to attack with Hyper Beam. Thanks to Ash's form, his body is moving on its own. He dodged 4 of them but 3 are following him.

Ash - *while flying in the air* This is new. How can their Hyper Beam can pathfind me without Lock On activated? He asked to himself.

Ash - Perseus. He called.

Perseus, on other hand, is busy, fighting Azazel all by himself and it seems like Azazel is dominating him. He then heared the call of Ash and responded.

Perseus - Yes?

Ash - Switch places with me!

Perseus - Right away!

Perseus and Ash switched their positions. Now is Ash fighting Azazel while Perseus is fighting the minions. Human Arceus is only watching them, according to their plan.

Perseus then deflected the 3 other beams by his hands with ease.

Perseus - Come on! Is that the best that all of you can do? He said mockingly.

That provoked the 7 minions and they began to power up simultaneously.

They emit their aura that corresponds to their body color:

Wrathan - Fiery red
Lusmodia - Pink
Lucifide - Dark Blue
Mavarise - Yellow - Green
Enviathan - Blue - Green
Belfegoth - Light Blue
Gluzebub - Violet

They roared demonically as their power is rising up at an exponential rate (excluding hp).

Perseus - This is getting more and more exciting. He said excitedly.

Perseus then screamed like crazy and the aura grew in tremendous size that shines his body. Also his physical  appearance started to change and finally he will achieved 'that' form. The light shines through the place that Azazel, Ash, Arceus and the minions needs to cover their eyes to prevent from blindness.

As the shine died down, they can see a different person there who has a badass form.

Perseus appearance is like a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4. He also grew a light blue tail from his back. His power was multiplied by 40x when it is compared on his base form.

Ash then saw Perseus and smiled. He then said,

Ash - So that's the aftermath of our training. You have finally unleashed your strongest form, Perseus. I'm proud of you.

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4 Perseus - Thanks, Ash. He said in a deep tone of his voice.

He then turn to see the minions who are still ready to fight.

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4 Perseus - Now then, Let's continue the battle, shall we?

Suddenly one of the demon minions spoke,

Wrathan - We are honored to fight you.

Ash - Oh, so you can talk?

Wrathan - Of course, though I am the only who can talk, unlike the rest. He said in a deep voice as well.

It turns out that Wrathan is the leader of them who possess great might among the rest by Arceus, who was observing him intently.

Perseus then suddenly dashed to them with a speed of light and punch Wrathan that knocked him back pretty far due to great power boost.

Wrathan roared in pain as he received the godly punch.

He then looked to others and nodded his head, signifying that he needs help to defeat their enemy.

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