Chapter 26: Pretty boy's debut

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Time check: 4:00 am

When Ash is open his eyes and starting to wake up, he felt something is heavy on his body and when he turned around he saw Lillie, dreaming while hugging him tightly.

Lillie - "No! Don't leave me Teddiursa!" she said while sleeping and hugged Ash tighter.

Ash - "Umm...... Lillie, I........ Can't...... breathe." he said in between words because he was being hugged too tight.

Lillie then suddenly open her eyes and saw Ash. She instantly let go of her hands and started to blush madly that her entire face is red.

Lillie - "I'm so sorry Ash, I didn't mean it. I swear." she said with embarrassment also blushing hard.

Ash laughed a bit and said,

Ash - "Okay, no need to panic. Let's just get ready for school. By the way, your are so cute when you are blushing." he then leave the bed and started to open the lights.

'Me cute?!' Lillie thought though she didn't expect that Ash said that she is cute and she replied embarrassed and blushing hard as well,

Lillie - "Thanks, Ash."

Ash - "No problem. Now, come on and let's get ready to school."

Lillie stop blushing and said with confusion,

Lillie - "Wait, We?"

Ash - "Yeah, why?" he asked

Lillie - "Didn't you know?"

Ash - "Know about what?"

Lillie - "That Crystal University is an all-girls school."

Ash then widened his eyes when hearing that and said,

Ash - "Are you serious?!"

Lillie - "Yeah."

Ash - "Oh no. I have already enrolled in that school. Do you think they will accept me?" he said depressed.

Lillie - "I don't know. We will go there and find out."

Ash - "Okay."

Then they ready themselves by doing the usual routine while attending a school. After 15 minutes, they are now complete with their clothing and they went downstairs and they saw Lusamine, preparing their breakfast.

Lillie - "Morning, Mom." she greeted her happily.

Ash - "Morning."

Lusamine greeted them as well and they sat on the chair and they eat together. After 20 minutes, they are ready to leave the mansion.

Lillie - "We will go to school, Mom."

Lusamine - "Okay, you take care as well for you Ash."

Ash - "Thanks." he smiled.

Then they leave the mansion and start walking to the direction where Crystal University is.

Time: 5:00

They arrived at the University at 5:15 am. They entered at the University and Ash said,

Ash - "Wow, This university is awesome."

Lillie - "Yeah it sure is. Come on, Let's go to the Principal Office."

Ash - "Okay."

They walked to the direction where the office is. After 10 minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the principal office's door. Lillie knocked on the door thrice and they heared a voice saying,

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