Chapter 48: Decimation of the Demons

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The Demons and the Deities continued their intensive battle. Arceus is battling Azazel, Ash was battling Wrathan and Gluzebub, Kyle was battling Enviathan, Belfegoth and Mavarise and Perseus is fighting Lusmodia.

Kyle is having a hard time dealing with the 3 Demon minions at once. Arceus then observed Kyle and it looks like he is struggling. She then said,

Arceus - Are you okay? It seems like you are struggling to fight them at once.

Kyle - I'm okay and try to focus on your battle with Azazel because she is preparing some kind of attack.

Azazel then changes her form to original form and made a violet sphere of dark energy with black electricity, cackling around it. After 10 seconds of charging up, She then unleash the attack with full force.

Arceus quickly turned around and uses her hands to stop the attack. She was grunting as the sphere is causing damage to her. With one loud shout, she toss the sphere up in the air and there it explodes very violently. It has enough power to knock everyone away. (Arceus' hp 95%)

Wrathan - That is one of the most powerful attack that our master have, the Death Ball.

Arceus - Such power... So you really trained yourself only to destroy this world.

Azazel - Of course.

Arceus - Unfortunately, I'm not going to let you destroy my world! *as she rushed to Azazel at full speed* RAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Azazel smirked and she rushed to Arceus as well and the fight continues!

Hours later, with Ash's battle

Wrathan and Gluzebub are panting really heavily and their body are covered with sime bruises and wounds while Ash is barely wounded at all. Thanks to his form, his dodging skills are way too high than before. (Wrathan's hp 50%, Gluzebub [Full Power] 45%) (Ash's hp 90%)

Ash - What's wrong? Can't catch me? He said mockingly.

Gluzebub became angry and rushed to Ash, attempting to hit him with Dark Zen Headbutt. Ash dodged the attack easily the attack abd countered him. The way Ash countered him is his arm is glowing white and hit Gluzebub's back. That attack is Purified Karate Chop at 90% of its power.

Gluzebub roared in excruciating pain ad he was hit by a super effective attack and he become unconscious then he fell to the ground making an explosion.

Ash descends to the ground, grabbed his Demon Pokéball and throw it at Gluzebub. The pokéball hit him and he was sucked inside. It shook twice before it made a 'ding' sound. Ash then picked up and said,

Ash - Welcome to the family, Gluzebub. He said while smiling.

His face then changed into serious one as he turned around to Wrathan, who has an angered look.

Wrathan - You'll pay for this!

Ash - I'm looking forward to it.

With Perseus and Lusmodia,

They are also having an intense battle. Unfortunately for Lusmodia, her charm is not working to Perseus so she has no choice but to fight her opponent with brute power.

While sparring,

Lusmodia - Crap. If only my charm is working to him.

Perseus - Your charm will never work on me, unfortunately. If you want, you can join on me to become stronger. He offered.

Lusmodia - Never!

Perseus - Typical demons. Hmph. I'm going to make sure you made the wrong choice.

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