Chapter 27: Big Announcement

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Cynthia (from the speakers) - "All college students, please proceed to the auditorium right now. There will be an assembly there."

All the the college students now stood from their chairs and walked outside the classroom, and they proceed to the auditorium. After 5 minutes of walking, all of them have arrived before the assembly starts and there is Cynthia, standing in the middle of the platform holding a microphone.

Cynthia - "I gathered all of you here to make an announcement that there will be a new student here in Crystal University that all of you will be surprised on what you will see later on."

Then the students there began chatting each other, and the others are wondering who is the person. Well, except for Lillie, she is just sitting on her position, listening to what Cynthia is saying.

Cynthia - "Now, all of you please keep quiet."

The whole auditorium became quiet.

Cynthia - "Thank you. Now, as I was saying, there is this person that is actually opposite to us."

Other students gasped on what Cynthia said and the one sitting beside Lillie is Lana. She asked to her?

Lana - "What does she mean, opposite to us?"

Lillie just only smile to her and said,

Lillie - "Just wait and find out."

Cynthia - "It is actually opposite to us because he is boy and you know what happens when I first met him?" she asked.

One of the students asked and she raised her hand,

Random student - "What happened?"

Cynthia notices that and she said,

Cynthia - "To tell everyone of you the truth.... I..
I fell in love in with him." she said while she was blushing.

The whole auditorium were shocked and let out a gasp because this is the first time that they see their own principal fell in love in a boy.

Meanwhile with Ash,

Ash - "Wow, I never thought that I am so handsome that I am the girl's magnet." he said and let out a chuckle while he is behind the auditorium. (He is still wearing his cloak though only the hood is down.)

Back to Cynthia,

Cynthia - "Believe it or not, it is the truth, even Lillie knows this because she saw it right before her two eyes." she said while pointing at Lillie.

All of them were looking at Lillie in which she only smiled and continue to listen to her principal.

Cynthia - "Now, enough with the talk. I will now introduce you, Ash Ketchum!"

When Ash hears that, he walked to the right side of the auditorium with his Pikachu on his right shoulder. All of the girls squealed and pink hearts develop on their eyes, also there are pink lines developed on their face, (which all of you know that it is called blush but I changed the name) signifying that he IS handsome, muscular and attractive.

When Ash arrives, Cynthia then pass the mic to Ash and he said,

Ash - "Hello everyone, My name is Ash Ketchum and this is my buddy Pikachu and my dream is to become Pokèmon Master."

Pikachu - "Pika! (Hi everyone!")

All of them thought that Pikachu is cute in which in reality, he is cute.

Ash- "I'm from Pallet Town in Kanto. Well some of you know me because I traveled Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and finally Kalos."

All the people that Ash encountered during his journey smiled when Ash said the regions that he traveled long time ago.

Ash - "Then, after I graduate on this school, I want to request that there will be a tournament here in school where I can see if there are strong trainers here in school. If this will happen, then I would be totally happy because I love pokèmon battles. Anyways, That's all and have a good day to everyone." he finished and he handed the mic to Cynthia.

The crowd made big round of applause.

Cynthia - "Thank you Ash, for your wonderful speech of yours. You can ask more questions more about Ash when I call all of you again here in this auditorium. That's all and all of you will go back to your designated classrooms. Thank you for listening."

Then the students stood up and fixes their chairs and went back to their designated classrooms. Surprisingly, Ash's classroom will be the classroom that all the girls that he encountered / traveled with is there and he didn't know that. Ash sure is a lucky guy though.

To be continued...

(Keep in mind that even though this is an all-girl school, the teachers are the professors and you know them right? If you don't know, here are the names, Professor Oak, Professor Elm, Professor Birch, Professor Rowan, and Professor Sycamore. I did not include Professor Juniper because she is a woman after all.)

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