Chapter 3: Hall of Origin and The Legendaries

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During their training, Arceus approach Ash and said,

Arceus - "Ash, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Ash - "Sure, anything you want. Guys, I will be right back. I just need to do some errands."

After hearing what Ash said. All of them nodded on agreement and continued their training.

Arceus - "Thanks."

With that, Arceus teleported Ash including himself as well to his home, The Hall Of Origins. After arriving, Ash could not believe what we saw. The place is old but it is very refreshing inside which Ash was amazed.

Note:(Imagine the Hall of Origin is just like a hall with ruins but it has a refreshing atmosphere just like in hotel. Also there are no Tables, chairs or anything that a hotel contain. Just imagine that it is a hall that only contains a one big throne and all the legendaries all over the world is in there.)

Ash - "Wow, you're place sure is cool. I really like it."

Arceus - "Thanks Ash. Now as I was saying, the reason why I let you to catch me its because that I see on you that you care about your pokemon, not only your pokemon, but also all the pokemon, ALL OF IT in which I was really pleased that you are taking care of my creation and that is the reason why I let you to catch me."

Ash - "Thank you Arceus and why did you teleported me in your home? I mean, we can talk on the mountain."

Arceus - "I just wanted you to talk with me privately."

Ash - "I understand."

Arceus - "One more thing, I have a gift for you and you will definitely love it." Arceus said while smiling.

Ash - "Really? What is it?" he said, excitedly.

Arceus - *as he was stepping backwards, summoning the legendaries* "ALL THE LEGENDARIES, COME FORTH, I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU."

After the summoning, all the legendaries from Ash's birthplace, Kanto up to Kalos appeared right in front of Ash's eyes and he could not believe that there are also legendaries form other regions.

Ash - "Wow, so cool!!" he said as he stared in amazement and awe.

All the legendaries step back for a moment and talk why did Arceus called them while Ash observing the place.

Arceus - "I called all of you because I want you to travel with ash on his journey to become a pokemon master."

One of the legendaries spoke,

Mew - "Are you sure about that?"

Arceus - "Yes, Mew and I am also Ash's pokemon from now on."

All the legendaries was shocked after hearing what Arceus said and they said,

"What?! Are you serious?!"

Moltres - "What about our place? I mean who is going to take in charge our Hall from now on?" Moltres said with amazement and worried.

Arceus - "Don't worry about our place, Moltres. I make sure that I will come back to this place and monitor our home every now and then and making sure that no one will tresspass our place."

Moltres sighed in relief and said,

Moltres - "I guess you're right."

Arceus - "Now, as I was saying, I want all of you to join Ash and his friends through his journey."

All the legendaries nod in agreement and went back to Ash including Arceus.

Arceus - "Now Ash, about the gift, here it is, *pointing the legendaries* I want you to catch them all, be with them and take care of them."

Ash - "If it is okay with you, then I will."

Arceus - "It's okay with me and don't worry we already talked about this and how are we going to secure our place."

Ash - "Then, I will."

After that, He use his nanodex, presses several buttons and a bright blue beam appeared from the watch and Ash shove his left hand, attempting to catch them which eventually after a minute or two, he successfully caught them.

Arceus - "I am expecting form you that you will take care of them."

Ash - "Don't worry, I will."

Arceus - "Because you have been very kind to me, I will give you another gift that you will need in times of danger and the times when you want to communicate with pokèmon."

Ash - "Yay, another gift. That's very kind of you and I am really grateful that you've become my pokemon."

Arceus - "Not at all. Anyway let's proceed to your next gift."

Ash - "Sure thing."

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