Chapter 46: The Plan to defeat the Demons

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The mysterious person laughed and a beam of black light appeared in the sky. When the beam disappeared, An another mortal appeared who has the capacity to rival the power of the Demons. He is no ordinary person that you see everyday. This person has such a great power that no ordinary human can attain. In short he is a mortal but in terms of power, he is a God.

Surprisingly, This deity is not an enemy as he went to Ash's side.

Ash - Who are you? He asked calmly.

???? - Hi. I'm Kyle Katsuno Sakai. Nice to meet you. You can just call me Kyle instead. Oh and by the way, Sorry for interrupting your battle, Lucifide. I only sensed danger so I went all the way here.

Lucifide growled as he knows that there will be more threat.

Ash - Nice to meet you too.

Kyle - Your form looks great on you. He remarked.

Ash - Thanks. He smiled.

Perseus - Excuse me but are we going to battle the demons or not?

Kyle - Oh right. Hahaha. Sorry about that. He said while scratching his head.

Kyle - You take a rest, first. I will try to catch him with this pokéball.

(Kyle's Pokéball - The appearance is just like an Ultra Ball but it has no yellow lines there and with a red demon skull at the top. The color is a combination of black and red. The top is black and the bottom is red.)

The Demons and the Deities (excluding Kyle) gasped in shock and Arceus said,

Arceus - Wait, are you saying that you will CATCH them with that kind of pokéball?!

Kyle recognized Arceus and said with a bit of respect,

Kyle - Yes, my lord. Don't worry this kind of pokéball is the perfect weapon to catch them *as he points the demons* including your evil twin sister. He explained.

Kyle - It has the same catch rate of a Master Ball but only works on Demons. That's why it is called "The Demon Ball or Demon Pokéball". And I brought eighteen of them. Deities please come here. We will be having a strategy here.

Ash and Perseus then reverted back to their normal form and said,

Ash / Perseus - Coming.

While they are having their meeting, the Demons also planned on how will defeat them.

With Kyle and company.

Kyle - The strategy is just like we are catching a pokémon. You know, battling them and when they are weak enough, throw the pokéball and if you the pokéball made a sound, that means you catch them. Pretty basic. He explained.

Kyle then distributed Perseus and Ash 6 Demon Pokéballs, having them 6 each.

Kyle - So what are the names of the Demons?

Ash - The Archenemy of Arceus is Azazel, Her minions are: Wrathan, who is the leader of the minions, Lucifide, Lusmodia, Enviathan, Mavarise, Belfegoth and Gluzebub.

Kyle - Great. Mine is Enviathan, Belfegoth and Mavarise.

Perseus - Mine is Lucifide and Lusmodia.

Ash - The rest are mine, Azazel, Wrathan and Gluzebub.

Kyle - That's settles it. Alright, Strategy meeting is over. Let's catch them! He said excitedly.

Ash - Yeah!!!

With the Demons,

Azazel then said to her minions,

Azazel - No matter what happens, Just avoid that pokéball.

Wrathan - Right. But what about you, Master? Don't you have any resistance on being caught on that pokéball?

Azazel - Unfortunately, I don't have it. But it doesn't matter, Just remember to avoid that pokéball at all costs.

Lucifide - We got it.

Their meeting ends.

Lucified then decided to be the first one who will battle the Deities.

Perseus - Alright, it looks like Lucifide wants to be caught first.

Lucifide - In your dreams!

Perseus then transformed to Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4.

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4 appearance:

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 4 appearance:

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Perseus - Here I come!

And the battle was resumed once again! Will Perseus be victorious against Lucifide or Lucifide will dominate? Stay tuned for the next chapter to know what will happen next!

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