Season 2, Chapter 5: The Power of Siphoning

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Setting: Auditorium

After the introduction to power levels, Ash secretly use telepathy to Cynthia. Cynthia then understood Ash's message and she told to the students to go back to their classrooms.

Now at the gym, Battlefield #2

Kyle - Yay!!!!! I can't wait to learn about Siphoning!!! He said excitedly.

Perseus - Power of Siphoning??

Ash - Yup.

Perseus - Can you explain what is this "Siphoning" that you are telling? He said, a little bit excited.

Ash - Right. *he clears his throat* Siphoning is an ability that you steal the power of your opponent's attack and put it in your own power. In other words, everytime your opponent attacks you in any method, you steal that power and stack it in your own to make yourself more powerful than before. I will demonstrate to you how Siphon works.

Perseus and Kyle sat on the bench next to each other and Ash threw his Master Ball, and Demon Master Ball to release the two powerful beings, Arceus and Azazel.

Ash - Now, both you assault me with your attacks. He commanded.

Arceus then formed a white sphere of magical energy while Azazel formed also a sphere of magical energy but her is color black-violet. They both roared as Arceus unleash her attack called Extinction Ray while Azazel unleashes her attack called Nullify Wave.

Ash - Siphon Mode: Activate.

Ash shoves his right hand in front of him and a purple magic circle appeared on his hand. The two attacks  was sucked in Ash's hand and it starts to circulate on his body very rapidly. That causes him to float in the air and emits a harmless explosive wave. While he land on the ground, his hands are glowing black and white. He feel more powerful than ever and emits a black and white bioelectricity signifying that he powered up.

Newly Powered Ash - And that's what you call Defensive Siphoning.

Perseus - Wait... Defensive? So that means...

Kyle - There is Offensive?

Ash - Bingo. Let me explain. *he clears his throat and recalled the two pokémon* Offensive Siphoning is a type of Siphoning that you attack the opponent using any kind of attacks but you need to activate first your Siphon power if you have. On the other hand, Defensive Siphoning is a type of Siphoning that you summon a purple magic circle on your hand. It should be large enough to cover your entire body to make the Siphoning successful, like what I did earlier. On Offensive Siphoning, the aftermath is the same with Defensive Siphoning. Your body will float, you will emit a harmless explosive wave, your hands will glow depending on the color of the attack and you will also feel rejuvenated for a while.

Ash - In my case, I already mastered Offensive and Defensive Siphoning so yeah all I need to say is Siphon Mode: Activate and it will automatically activate any time I want.

Kyle - Then why did you shove your hand to summon a magic circle?

Ash - I only did that to make myself a badass while siphoning. He said proudly.

Kyle - I see.

Ash - Oh before I forgot, When you mastered Siphoning, you don't need to make body and hand gestures to activate that ability. Simply say, "Siphon Mode: Activate" and it will automatically activate any time you want. This ability has also levels. In order to achieve Fully Mastered Siphoning. You will pass in these 3 levels.

Imperfect Siphoning - 25% absorption and 25% power up

Perfect Siphoning - 50% absorption and 50% power up

Mastered Siphoning - 75% absorption and 75% power up

Fully Mastered Siphoning - 100% absorption and 100% power up

Kyle and Perseus - Wow. Is the word that they only can say.

Perseus - You sure are intelligent, Ash.

Ash - Thanks, Perseus. So do you want to start our training in order to become a powerful Deity?

Perseus - Bring it on!!

Kyle - Hell yeah!!

Ash - Then let's do it!!

To be continued...

Sorry for the short chapter guys. This chapter only describes what is Siphoning all about. Yeah. That's it. And I will see you guys in the next author note. If you found this story interesting, make sure to tap or click the star button down below. If you have any questions in your mind, feel free to ask me. And I will see you guys next time. Peace!!✌

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