Chapter 11: Preparation

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When morning arises, Ash and his Pikachu wake up and when they look the time, its already 8:30 am. Ash started to yawn slightly, getting up on his bed, doing stretches and says,

Ash - "Good morning, Pikachu."

Pikachu - "Pikachu. (Good morning.)"

After the greetings, Pikachu jump on Ash's shoulder and Ash fixes their bed and he get his toothbrush, toothpaste and bath towel.

Ash -  "Am I forgetting something? Yeah right, the soap."

Ash went to the bathroom to look for a soap, with his luck he found one.

Ash - "Luckily, this dorm has a soap."

Without wasting time, He went inside, started to take a bath with Pikachu.

Note: (Don't forget that he brushes his teeth as well.)

After 20 minutes, They were finished. Nice and clean. Ash wears his Kanto outfit and arrange his things. After that, he went out to the dorm, closing the door and said,

Ash - "Today, we will battle at the gym and earn that earth badge and we will definitely win the battle and earn our first badge, Right, buddy?"

Pikachu - "Pika! (Yeah!)"

After that, he went downstairs and Nurse Joy saw him and said,

Nurse Joy - "Good luck to your league, Ash."

Ash - "I will, Thanks."

With that, Ash went outside of the Pokèmon center and find an open field where he can train his Pikachu to learn Bolt Strike. The signature move of Zekrom. After 12 minutes of finding, he managed to find one. The field was 35 meters long and it is enough to train his pokèmon. Ash first observed the area if there are people around by using his aura. Luckily, he  was sighed with relief to the fact that if any trainer saw Zekrom, then people will freak out and maybe others want to steal that legendary pokemon. That's why Ash wants to train alone.

Ash - "Okay, Pikachu let Zekrom teach you to learn his signature move. Bolt Strike."

Pikachu - "I can imagine now that Bolt Strike is so powerful. So powerful that it can destroy a 15-story building."

Ash - "Yeah, I know. Anyways let's get started."

With that, Ash presses several buttons and the nanodex emitted a bright blue light and a pokèmon appeared in front of him.

A black, bipedal Pokémon resembling a dragon or dinosaur, with dark patches on various portions of its body. It has red scleras, white irises, and black pupils, as well as a small horn-like protrusion on the tip of its snout. Its head sports a thundercloud-like crest tipped with light-blue coloration. It was Zekrom.

When Pikachu saw the legendary pokèmon of Unova, he jaw-dropped and said.

Pikachu - "Wow. Zekrom is that you? I can't believe it. This is the first time that I see a legendary pokèmon appeared right before my eyes." he said with amazement.

Note: (During the training of the legendaries, Ash teaches all of them to learn how to communicate to others using telepathy.)

Zekrom - "Yes, it is me. Now are you the one that will become my student?"

Pikachu - "Yes, master. I want to learn your signature move or shall we say, your most powerful move known by others."

Zekrom - "Very well. We may start the training now."

Note: (Ash was sitting there on a bench, in the right side of the field while watching Zekrom teaching Pikachu to learn his signature move.)

After that, Zekrom now teaches Pikachu to learn his signature move While he move to the opposite side of the field and said,

Zekrom - "To start things off, you must focus your energy to your body and when it is fully charged, then you may charge the opponent and strike them."

Pikachu did what Zekrom told, At first attempt, he failed but he did not give up. When he did his second attempt, he failed again but he managed to charge his power up to 60%. At third attempt, miraculously, Pikachu finally made it.

Zekrom - "Great, you made it, now go on charge and stirke me with all of your might."

Pikachu ran towards to Zekrom while glowing in electricity and strike him. With enough during the training, Pikachu managed to damage Zekrom and his left knee fell on the ground due to strong attack. After the attack, Zekrom complimented Pikachu saying,

Zekrom - "You managed to damage me and I am really glad that you made it. I also feel surprised that you did not give up on our training."

Pikachu - "Thanks. That's was Ash told me, Do not give until the end."

Zekrom - "Very well, Well, that concludes our training and let me remind you that be careful with that move because that move is so destructive that it can destroy a 15-story building. You will only use it if it is needed."

Pikachu - "I will and thanks Zekrom, for teaching me with your signature move."

Zekrom - "With pleasure."

After the training, Ash stood up on the bench and returned Zekrom to his nanodex and said to Pikachu,

Ash - "Wow, Pikachu. You did a great job there. with that power, we will become the champion of Kanto!" he said while smiling.

Pikachu - "Pika! (Yeah!)"

Ash - "Now that we are prepared, let's find the gym."

Pikachu - "Pika. (Right.)"

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