Chapter 14: Potential

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After arriving at the pokèmon center, he decided to rest for a while and after 4 minutes, he leaves the center and find an open area where he can train his Lucario and Charizard. 5 minutes of finding, he saw a field where it is big as a soccer field.

Ash - "Maybe this is enough for me to train my pokèmon."

With that, he released his Lucario and his powerful Charizard.

Ash - "Alright Charizard, we need to train Lucario for the upcoming gym battle. Our training will only last for about 3 hours. Is that okay with you, guys?"

Lucario - "Yes, Master."

Ash - "You can also learn to speak human language Lucario?"

Lucario - "Yeah. Sometimes I will communicate with you through aura if it is needed."

And Charizard roared in agreement and they they take their position as if they are going to battle each other.

Note: (When Ash train his pokèmon, he just always watch them and when something happens, he will definitely interrupt their training if it is needed.)

After 3 hours of training, Lucario's stats has been dramatically increased and also a new attack called 'Aura Wave'. Charizard's stats also increase as well. Also Lucario and Charizard can mega evolve even they don't have their megastones and Charizard can choose whether he wants to become Mega Charizard X or Y.

Note: (Aura Wave is just like Kamehameha in Dragon ball series but the difference is I just only change some of it. Which you can easily identify what it is😂. So yeah let's go back to story.)

Ash - "Wow, guys I can feel that your power has been dramatically increased and congratulations to both you that you can mega evolve even if you don't have your megastones. I'm very to both you and I am lucky enough no to find those stones. For that, you deserve a healthy snack." he said with a smile on his face and giving them pokèmon food that when a pokèmon eats it, they will be fully recovered.

Lucario and Charizard smiled at each other and they proceed to eat their snacks. After eating and drinking as well, Ash recalled them and leave the field. He decided now to find the gym and challenge the gym leader there.

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