Chapter 22: Confrontation

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When they arrived, Ash and Arceus wasted no time to battle the Ultra Beasts and Lusamine. Ash yelled to her,

Ash - "Hey you!!" he said, pointing her.

When Ash yelled, the beasts stop what the are doing and Arceus prepared himself.

Lusamine - "Who, me?!" she replied angrily because when Ash called her without respect.

Ash - "Yes you!! Stop this destruction! or else.."

Lusamine - "Or else what?!"

Ash - "Or else I'm going to destroy you and your pesky little pets!" he replied with high volume of his voice and coldly.

Lusamine - "Oh really, think you can beat me?!" she replied arrogantly with sinister smirk.

Ash - "I'll show you!"

Ash makes himself an aura blade on his left hand and dashes on one of the beasts and it is Buzzwole and stab it 3 times, killing it instantly.

Lusamine - "How dare you killed one of my precious pets?!?!!" she yelled angrily.

Lusamine - "All of you, Use Beast Boost!"

They use their ability to boost their proficient stat each time it knocks out a Pokémon.

Lusamine - "Use any attack that you want to!!"

Nihilego uses Full Power Acid Spray, Pheromosa uses Full Power High Jump Kick, Xurkitree uses Full Power Zap Cannon, Celesteela uses Full Power Heavy Slam, Kartana uses Full Power Guillotine, and Guzzlord uses Full Power Dragon Rush and targeted Ash. They did on full power to avenge Buzzwole's death.

When Ash was about to react, Arceus suddenly teleported to him and uses Protect to them and the attack reaches them resulting to a massuve explosion. After the explosion, Ash and Arceus are there, in full shape and no damage was inflicted to them.

Lusamine clenched her fist and she told them use any attack they want but in one of the beasts said,

Pheromosa - "But, we use our most powerful attack but it didn't land any hit at all." it said worriedly.

Lusamine - "I don't care!! Just destroy them." she said annoyingly.

Pheromosa - "Yes, Master."

They use again their most powerful attack with a buff called Beast Boost.

With Ash and Arceus,

Arceus - "So, what's the plan?" he said while he stop the time for 20 minutes and the beasts where frozen. Not literally frozen, but they are stuck in one place and Lusamine as well.

Ash - "How about this, You distract them while I prepare my special attack called Aura Wave and then when they are knocked out, I'll go confront Lusamine to stop what she is doing and be sure that when they woked up use hypnosis on them to fall asleep. How does sound to you?"

Arceus - "Nice plan Ash! Anyways, Let's do it!" he said with excitement.

Ash - "Alright!"

Arceus suddenly uses an ability to continue the time and the Ultra Beasts were launching the attack. Arceus uses again Protect resulting to a massive explosion. Same thing happened, but this time he received a very little damage. (Arceus' hp 99.9999%. LOL.)

The Ultra Beasts were shocked because of the defense and special defense that Arceus have.

Arceus - "Light of Justice, Be with me!!" he yelled.

Suddenly, A bright light appeared in front of him and the light engulfed him and Arceus was in the process of his Mega Evolution. After a few seconds. He his now in his Z form (I can't explain what his appearance in his Z form so I will how you in terms of picture and here it is.)

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