Chapter 7: The Hunt

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After descending on the mountain, Ash and Pikachu started walking to north and searching the Team Rocket's Headquarters. After an hour or two in searching, still no sign of the headquarters.

Ash - "Man, that place is hard to find." he said while resting on a tree.

Pikachu - "Yeah, you can say that again. Wait, you have the power of Aura right?"

Ash - "Yeah, and what about it?"

Pikachu - "I have an idea, why don't you use your aura to find that place. In that way, it will be much easier."

Ash - "Oh yeah, you're right, Pikachu. I actually forgot about that hahaha." he said while laughing.

Pikachu - "Yeah, forgetful as always." he said sarcastically. "Now, hurry up and use it."

Ash - "Okay."

Ash began to close his eyes and started concentrating while having a bluish aura to know where the location is. After a while, he knows now where the headquarters is.

Ash - "There it is Pikachu. We just need to go 100 meters straight then turning right will cover 150 meters and that's it, we will reach that place in no time."

Pikachu - "Nice, now let's get going."

Ash - "Right."

With that being said, they begin walking straight then turning right.

After 3 minutes of walking, they managed to reach the front gate of the headquarters.

Ash - "Well, that was a good workout."

Pikachu - "It sure did."

They hide themselves behind the tree and thinking how to get in those gates without getting noticed.

Ash - "Watch out, Pikachu. There are two grunts guarding the gate over there." he said while pointing the guards.

Pikachu - "Roger that. Now, how do we get in those gates without getting noticed?'

Ash - "I think I have an idea, I am going to climb on that wall *points on the left rear wall.* while I'm climbing, make sure you don't fell on my shoulder. Got that?"

Pikachu - "Got it."

Ash - "Okay. Let's begin."

Ash now started sneaking on the left rear wall with the process of tiptoeing so he can gain stealth in which he managed to reach on the place he needed to climb on without getting noticed. Without wasting time, he started climbing on the wall while Pikachu was holding on his shoulder tightly but not too tight to hurt Ash. He landed softly on the ground while crouching. Suddenly, he found out that there are another two grunts, guarding the main entrance of the headquarters.

Ash - "Damn, there grunts are everywhere." he said annoyingly. "Oh well, I need to get pass through it."

With that, Ash use his aura powers to make a sword on his right hand and make him invisible as well so he can assassinate the grunts quietly. After that, he started walking, before walking, Pikachu leapt out of his shoulder and hide from the bushes. After Ash reaches them, He stab on first one then second one on the back. His stab was so powerful that can penetrate through their heats causing them die instantly. After that, he deactivate his powers and uses hand signals to signal Pikachu that it's clear. Pikachu run stealthily towards to Ash.

Ash - "Now that is out of the way, let's seek revenge!"

Pikachu - "Pikachu! (Let's do this!)"

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