Chapter 19: Water Fury

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Referee (female) - "This is an official gym battle between the Gym Leader Misty and Ash. Each trainer will use two pokèmon. Only the challenger can substitute his / her pokèmon. Moves such as Baton pass, etc. will be applicable. Trainers, send out your pokèmon!"

Misty - "Go Starmie!"

Upon throwing the pokèball, a violet sea star-like Pokémon with a gold formation on its front. Its jewel core, which can glow in seven colors, has developed to resemble a cut precious stone.

Ash - "Lucario, rise your aura!"

After pressing some buttons on his nanodex,, Lucarioed in front of him, with his battle stance, signifying that he is ready to battle.

Referee - "Let the battle begin!"

Misty - "Use Water Gun!"

Starmie fires a stream of water from its jewel core towards to Lucario.

Ash - "Deflect it then use Bone Rush!"

Lucario uses his powers to summon a 25-inch bone with bluish-white aura. When the attack is coming, he deflect the stream of water like a baseball to Starmie with twice its power.

Misty - " Quick, dodge it!"

Starmie jump on to the water, successfully dodging the attack.

While Starmie is underwater, Ash is thinking on what strategy that he will use to.

Ash - "Use your aura to read her movement."

Lucario then closes his eyes while on meditate position. After 6 minutes of reading, He open his eyes and look onto Ash. Ash understand what he meant.

Ash - "Use Aura Sphere!"

Lucario then jumped high and uses aura sphere and he launches it on underwater and it causes splash. While underwater, Starmie didn't notice that aura sphere is behind her and when she looked behind, the attack hit het head on and it is critical hit. Due to immense power, Starmie didn't hold anymore and fainted.

Meanwhile at the field,

Misty is being tensed up on what is happening, she notice that the water is bubbling, and there, Starmie appeared with ist swirl on her eyes.

Referee - "Starmie is unable to battle, Lucario wins!"

Ash - "Great job, Lucario!" he said with thumbs up and a smile on his eyes.

Lucario also thumbs up on his trainer also with a smile on his face.

Misty uses her pokèball and recalled her Starmie saying,

Misty - "Thanks, Starmie. Now Gyarados I need your assistance."

Suddenly a large blue serpent-like pokèmon appeared in the battlefield and gave a loud roar.

Referee - "Round 2 begin!"

Ash - "Use Aura Sphere!"

Lucario launches an aura sphere to Gyarados.

Misty - "Dodge, then use Hyper beam!"

Gyarados duck down then uses hyper beam and it hits Lucario dealing decent damage. (Lucario's hp 89%)

Ash - "Are you ok?"

Lucario nodded in agreement saying he is okay.

Ash - "Great! Now use aura sphere again"

Lucario again launches his aura sphere to Gyarados.

Misty - "Dodge it then use Hydro Pump!"

Gyarados dodged the attack then unleashes a stream of water to Lucario.

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