Chapter 31: Long lost sibling

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Hydro's POV

Ever since our mother died because of Team Rocket, I was enraged but I don't know what to do. All this time I was on a journey and when I came back home, the house was empty. So I search for my twin brother, Ash. Unfortunately, I can't find him. The time that happens, I started my journey to become a pokèmon master just like my brother.

After 4 years of traveling, I feel powerful now and all of my pokèmon can mega evolve thanks to the keystone and their corresponding megastones. Also their lvl is almost 100. I will train more to reach that lvl. Here I am now, in the Alola. I talk to random man and I said,

Hydro - "Um, excuse me sir. Do you know where the university here in the Alola?"

Random Man - "Sorry, but I don't know. You can go to the mansion right there behind you. I think they know where it is." he then pointed behind and Hydro turn around and see a mansion.

Hydro - "Thanks."

Random Man - "Welcome."

I then started to walk to the mansion and when I reached on the mansion, I knock on the door and I saw an elegant woman with long, blonde hair and said,

Lusamine - "How may I help you, young lad?"

Hydro - "I just wanted to know that is Ash there? I need to talk to him."

Lusamine - "And who are you?"

Hydro - "My name is Hydro. I am Ash's twin brother."

End of Hydro's POV

Lusamine then examines him a bit and said,

Lusamine - "No doubt, you look alike like Ash. Come I can show you to him. Besides, they have no class because it's weekend today."

Hydro - "Thanks."

Lusamine then escorts Hydro to her mansion and she tells him to sit down. She then walked upstairs and knock on the door two times. Lillie open the door and said,

Lillie - "Oh, it's just you Mom, what do you want?"

Lusamine - "I just wanted to call Ash because there is a person who wanted to talk to him."

Ash hears this and said,

Ash - "Who? me?"

Lusamine - "Yes, you Ash. Come down now."

Ash - "Okay."

Ash then come down with Lusamine and Hydro rushed to him, resulting a hug.

Ash then quickly realizes that he is his twin brother and said while he hugged back,

Ash - "Long time no see, huh Hydro."

Hydro - "Yeah it's been a while. I heard that our mother was killed by Team Rocket." he said sadly.

They broke the hug and Ash said,

Ash - "Don't worry, Team Rocket and all the evil organizations are long gone now so no need to worry." he reassured.

Hydro - "Really?!"

Ash - "Yes. Thanks to him who helped me to eradicate all of them." He said while holding his necklace with a Master Ball.

Hydro - "Thanks Brother." he saud very happily.

Lusamine - "Hate to break the moment, but do you have a pokèmon, Hydro?"

Hydro - "Yes, I do and I will be planning to attend on the University."

Ash - "Hey Hydro, do you want to battle?"

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