Season 2, Chapter 8: Battle of the Ultra Beasts

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Setting: At the Indigo Plateau

As Perseus sent out his Ultra Beast, Ash then think first what will he send out. After 6 seconds, he get an idea and he threw a Beast Ball, revealing Buzzwole.

Perseus - So you sent out an Ultra Beast was well.

Referee - Buzzwole vs. Blacephalon, Begin the second round!

Perseus - Blacephalon, use Flamethrower.

Blacephalon's head glowed in red-orange as a stream of fire came out and it targeted Buzzwole.

Ash - Use Bulk up, Buzzwole.

When the flames reaches Buzzwole, it deflected the flames sending upwards and flexes his muscles as he glowed in red aura, signifying that his attack power and defense power raises up by 30%.

Ash - Now use Poison Sting.

Perseus - Use Fire Blast, Blacephalon

Buzzwole open its mouth and fires multiple white darts from its mouth at the opponent while Blacephalon's head glowed in red-orange and releases a 大-shaped blast of red-orange fire from its head at the opponent. Blacephalon's attack overpowered Buzzwole's Poison Sting attack and the flames is heading to Buzzwole. Buzzwole blocked the attack by using his muscular arms while he was skidding on the ground. Luckily for him, he didn't get the burn status.

Ash - Blacephalon sure is strong.

Perseus - Yup. When I first catch him, I trained him to its maximum potential.

Ash - I see.

Perseus - This match is going to be mine, Blacephalon use Shadow Ball!

Ash - Destroy the ball by using Mega Punch, Buzzwole.

Blacephalon puts its hands together and forms a black ball of energy. Blacephalon then shoots it at Buzzwole.

When the black ball of energy reaches him, Buzzwole then punched it and the ball exploded dealing minimal damage to Buzzwole. (Buzzwole's hp 98.1%)

Ash - Use Twister to clear the smoke.

Buzzwole then began to spin very fast and soon a tornado appeared and it began to spin very rapidly. Fast enough to clear the smoke. When the smoke is gone, Blacephalon is nowhere to be seen.

Ash - Where did Blacephalon go?

When Ash began to search the pokèmon, he can't find it until Blacephalon appeared behind Buzzwole and its head exploded right behind him that he was send flying across the battlefield. (Buzzwole's hp 94%)

Ash - Damn that pokèmon sure is fast.

Perseus - That's right. I've been training my pokèmon to their maximum power ever since I was defeated long time ago by you, Ash. So you can call this a rematch between us.

Ash - Heh. Your probably right. But this time I'm gonna win this tournament. I will not accept defeat!

Perseus - Neither will I! Blacephalon use Shadow Ball!

Ash - Buzzwole, use Harden.

Buzzwole then shines brightly and its defense significantly raises up by 100%.

When the black ball explodes exploded right into him, Buzzwole was remained unfazed by the attack and his Bulk Up buff worn out.

Buzzwole's remaining buffs:
+100% defense

Ash - Strike Blacephalon with a Power-Up Punch and Hammer Arm combo!

Buzzwole's right fist becomes surrounded in an orange aura and at the same time, Buzzwole's left forearm glowed white. Buzzwole then rushes to Blacephalon at full speed and punch it with his right fist but Blacephalon successfully dodged that but what it didn't know is Buzzwole's left arm is ready to smack Blacephalon. With its late reaction, Buzzwole uppercut Blacephalon, sending him flying to the air but Buzzwole seemed not pleased by that so he leap very high and smacked Blacephalon sending it to the ground at full speed while both arms/fists are glowing. It then leaves a huge explosion and a huge crater, revealing Blacephalon laying on the ground and Buzzwole fall down powerful enough to create cracks beneath it.

Buzzwole then saw that Blacephalon is still moving so Buzzwole stepped its body and fired a powerful Tidal Ball on his right hand dealing 2x damage than before. When the splashes are gone, Blacephalon is full of wounds all around on its body but he still moving, barely. Buzzwole is angry to see that his opponent is still moving and prepared another Tidal Ball until Ash speaks,

Ash - Buzzwole, that's enough. You've caused major damage to Blacephalon so please stop hurting it otherwise Blacephalon will die.

Perseus - B-B-Buzzwole, can k-k-kill a p-p-pokémon?? He said, shivering.

Ash - *heavy sigh* Yes. Now only Buzzwole but also all of my pokémon. If your pokémon was trained to their maximum potential then so am I but the difference is that their attack is so powerful. Powerful enough to kill a pokémon or human being even in their base/normal form. (except for the Ultra Beasts because they don't have Mega evolution) He explained.

All of the people inside the stadium (except Ash) gasped in shock as they heard those words.

Hydro - Big brother can kill a pokémon??! That's lethal.

Kyle - It seems so.

Back to the battlefield

Perseus - I-I see.

Buzzwole then sighed as it stops forming a Tidal Ball. After a while, Blacephalon fainted.

Referee - B-Blacephalon is unable to battle, Buzzwole wins!

Perseus let out a heavy sigh and recalled his Ultra Beast back to his Beast Ball.

Perseus - You did a nice job, Blacephalon. Take a rest.

Perseus then look at the big tv (or whatever you call on that) and he saw that he is downed with only 4 pokémon left while Ash has still full six pokémon.

Perseus - *talking to himself* Damn. Ash sure is stronger than me. He is always one step further on me. Guess I will choose this pokémon.

He then held out his Demon Ball as he threw it into the air. When it opened, A pokémon that possesses one of the Seven deadly sins appeared into the battlefield.

Ash - So. You let the pokémon that we caught before. Guess I'll do the same.

Demon Pokéball

When Ash threw the pokéball, One of the Seven deadly sin pokémon appeared into the battlefield

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When Ash threw the pokéball, One of the Seven deadly sin pokémon appeared into the battlefield.

At the Champion Stand

Mr. Goodshow - Whoa, Whoa. What is that pokémon??! He exclaimed.

Cynthia - Maybe they are the Seven Deadly Sins pokémon.

Lance - Seven Deadly Sins pokémon. What is that?

Cynthia - I don't even know. All I know is that they are the Seven Deadly Sins pokémon. That's it.

Back to the battlefield

Ash - So, you let out Lucifide, huh?

Perseus - Yes. So far this is one of my strongest pokémon.

Ash - Everyone, listen to me. He said loudly enough to hear all of the people inside the stadium.

Ash - What are you seeing right now is the Seven Deadly Sins Pokémon. We caught them during the Gods and Demons War not too long ago. That war happened few months ago. What I possess is Wrathan  while Perseus possesses is Lucifide and that's all you need to know.

Referee - Wrathan and Lucifide. Got it. Wrathan vs. Lucifide begin the third round!

To be continued...

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