Season 2, Chapter 20: The Power of Perfection

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The battle now continues as the Referee call to resume the battle.

Ash - Flash Cannon once again, Kyurem.

Kyle - Dodge then use Tri-attack!

Kyurem quickly charged a silver beam of energy from his mouth and fired it at Dourberus.

The Cerberus Pokémon waited for the right time to dodge. Seconds has passed and the three-headed dog jump at high altitude. Dourberus opens the mouths on his three heads and charges an orb of energy before each of them, all with different colors. It then fires an Normal-type move from the left arm head, a Dark-type move from the middle head, and an Fire-type move from the right arm head at the opponent.

Normal-type move: Hyper Beam
Dark-type move: Dark Pulse
Fire-type move: Overheat

Drake - What is this?! A Tri-attack that has customizable moves? Normally, the user will only fire an Ice-type move, a Fire-type move and an Electric-type move.

Steven - And that Kyurem, he can fire Flash Cannon in instant. Normally it will take time to charge up to its full power before the user can unleash the attack. Just what the hell is happening?

All of the champions excluding Cynthia are totally confused.

Cynthia - Hehehehe. What happening is that their pokémon is at level 500. No or maybe 600. That's the reason why their pokémon can customize their own attacks. Meaning, they fully mastered the move that they are executing.

Alder - I see. One question though.

Cynthia - Shoot it out.

Alder - How did their pokémon managed to break the limit of their levels?

Cynthia - It's pretty simple. They are trained by the Gods. Also, they perform the ability called Blessing Inducement. Additionally, the skill that they induce to each of their pokémon is simply named, Limit Break. Wherein they break the limits of their level, making them more stronger and powerful than ever. She explained further.

Wallace - Uh-huh. Now we fully understand.

Back to the battle

Ash - Use Protect.

Perfect Kyurem uses his large arms as a shield and a large green barrier appeared all over his body and he was protected by the barrier. The attacks hit the barrier but Dourberus put more power on his attack, making the attacks grew larger, thicker and stronger.

Ash - If Protect is not enough, use Devour.

Perfect Kyurem - Right away.

While blocking, Perfect Kyurem opened his large mouth and he unblocked his arms, making the barrier disappear. After the barrier disappeared, the attacks were being sucked on Kyurem's mouth.

Kyle - What the?!

The crowd gasped in shock as they saw the three attacks are being devoured by the large pokémon. Seeing that move or tactic is new to them.

Mallow - What the hell?! That kind of pokémon only devoured the attack?! She said shocked.

Lana - It seems so and what Perfect Kyurem used is Devour move.

Misty - What's a Devour move?

Lana - From my understanding, Devour move is a normal type move that the user eats any incoming attack that is long range like Flamethrower, restoring their energy and enhancing their specific abilities on whatever move that the user devoured. They can also unleash that attack with multiplied power. She explained.

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