Season 2, Chapter 4: Power Levels

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Setting: Auditorium

Ash and Kyle returned their pokémon back to their pokéballs. Ash's pokéball is just a regular one while Kyle's pokéball is an Ultra Ball. Ash then walked towards to Kyle and tap his shoulder saying,

Ash - You give me an awesome battle that in the end, I lost. I'm really impressed to you Kyle. He said happily.

Kyle - Your happy that you lose? He asked.

Ash - Win or not, I'm happy because I can learn from it and apply it next time I'll battle with someone. Also the important in a battle is that you enjoyed it and to be honest with you, this is the very first battle that I lost to someone.

Kyle - Really?! He said surprised.

Ash - Yup. Back when I was traveling, I always win in gym battles and in the league battles as well. I even receive a title from other people and that title is The Undefeated One. The other title is The Chosen One. Arceus gave that title to me because I was chosen by her when I lost my mother and to eradicate all the evil organization all around on Earth and I was successful.
She even proclaim me as God of Destruction and Equity because of my destructive and healing powers as a reward.

All of the people excluding Kyle and Perseus were very surprised and amazed on what Ash said.

Kyle - Ahh. Now I know.

Ash - What about you? What is your title as a Deity?

Kyle - Just like you, I am a God of Destruction but not God of Equity.

Ash - Nice. Only three Gods are now in this planet.

Kyle - Why three?

Ash - Perseus is also a Deity or a God.

Kyle - Oh yeah, I remember when we battled The Seven Deadly Sin pokémon. He has also an overwhelming power when I sensed him.

What they didn't know is Cynthia is listening and she raised her hand which Ash and Kyle saw it. She asked,

Cynthia - What are the "Seven Deadly Sin Pokémon"?

Ash then uses telepathy to Perseus and he receive the message. He stood up and went to the stage.

As Perseus went to the stage,

Perseus - Ash called me by using telepathy that's why I'm here. *He then face the audience* Greetings everyone, I am Perseus, A God of Destruction in my universe as well. I'm a Pure God of Destruction. Nice to meet you all.

Kyle - Same here, I'm also a Pure God of Destruction.

Ash then asked,

Ash - I've been wondering, but what do you mean by Pure God of Destruction?

Perseus - A Pure God of Destruction is a type of God whose skills and abilities are offensive and destructive. In other words, they are called the "Destroyers". But in your case, you are a Hybrid God.

Ash - Eh? I'm a Hybrid God??

Perseus - Yeah. You said earlier that you are a God of Equity and Destruction. Am I right?

Ash - Yeah.

Perseus - A Hybrid God is a type of God who holds two or more positions. Also with two or more unique supernatural powers.

Ash - Ahhh. Now I get it.

Cynthia - Uhhh my question please.

Ash then look at Cynthia and said,

Ash - Oh right sorry about that.

Ash signaled the two Gods to release their pokéballs that look like this:

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