Season 2, Chapter 11: Demon vs. Mega Evolution

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Setting: In the Indigo Plateau

Referee - Pikachu vs. Celebi, begin the fifth round!

Perseus - Keystone, respond to my heart and soul, Ho beyond Evolution, Mega Evolve!

Celebi then glowed in bright light as her appearance is changing gradually. After a few seconds, Mega Evolution is now complete. From there, Mega Celebi made her first appearance in the battlefield.

(Mega Celebi)

(Mega Celebi)

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Ash - Okay. Pikachu, what form do you want, your God form or Demon form?

Pikachu - Demon form please.

Cynthia - Eh?! Pikachu can talk?! I thought he can only use Telepathy.

Ash then looked at Cynthia and said aloud,

Ash - I taught him how to talk human language when we are training.

Cynthia - I see.

Ash - Alright, Pikachu transform to your Demon form.

Pikachu then stood up, clenches his fists and he started to grit his teeth as long and sharp fangs appeared on it. (2 on the molar part and 2 on the mandibular part, just like a vampire) His tail grew longer by 2.5 inches and it also became sharper. Sharp claws are now appearing on his hand and feet. His eyes now changed from black to demonic red. He emits a demonic red aura from all around on his body and to finish the transformation, a devil pentagram appeared on his forehead.

(Devil Pentagram)

Demon Pikachu then roared very loudly as his aura grew larger

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Demon Pikachu then roared very loudly as his aura grew larger. When he stops roaring, he now faces Mega Celebi and smirked evilly.

Perseus - Are you sure you are going to use this form, Ash?

Ash - Yeah. He chooses that form and don't worry, he can now control that form unlike before.

Perseus - Very well. I also want to see what Demon power really is.

Ash - Before I forgot his types are: Electric, Dark and of course Demon types.

Perseus - Got it. Celebi use Psychic!

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