Season 2, Chapter 1: Entry of the Another Deity

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Setting: In Principal Cynthia's office

After Kyle enrolled himself and all, Cynthia said,

Cynthia - Thank you for attending and enrolling into this prestigious school. I'm sure your going to have a lot of fun and excitement in here. She said while smiling.

Kyle replied,

Kyle - Yeah. I sure do.

Then they shook hands.

Cynthia sat down said to the mic which is beside her,

Cynthia (in the mic) - All students, please proceed to the auditorium right now. I repeat, proceed to the auditorium right now.

In the classroom where the gang is in there.

Ash - Well, there's the announcement. Come on guys. Let's go the auditorium.

Hydro - Right.

Perseus - Certainly.

Then they stood up and went to the auditorium along with the female students.

While they are walking,

Lillie - I wonder why Miss Cynthia tell use to go to the auditorium? She pondered.

Dawn - Who knows? She shrugged.

May - Hey, maybe Ash and his friends know it.

Lillie - I'll ask them.

Lillie then went to Ash and said shyly,

Lillie - A-A-Ash??

Ash then turned around and said,

Ash - Yes, Lillie?

Lillie (blushing) - I-I was wondering i-if you know why Miss Cynthia t-told us to go the a-auditorium.

Ash - Hmmm.... Maybe a new student will introduce himself/herself and to have also a battle between me in order to welcome himself/herself by the school.

Lillie - Ahh. I see. Thanks Ash.

Ash - Your welcome. *he winks* Oh and by the way,

Lillie - Yeah?

Ash - If you don't mind, can I call you Cutie instead?  He requested.

Dawn and May - Huh?!?! They yelled in unison.

Perseus - Wow Ash, your so bold right there. He nudges Ash.

Ash - Heh. I know right. *As he turns to Lillie* So what do you say?

Lillie suddenly blushed in deep red and smiling nervously.

Lillie's mind - 'Me?!?! Cute?!?! No way?!?!' She mentally panicked.

Lillie (blushing in deep red) - A-A-Are you s-s-serious??? She said in embarrassment.

Ash - Yeah. Not to mention you ARE really cute in my vision and that will never ever change. He said boldly.

Lillie can't take anymore the compliment and she fainted while her face is in deep red color right in Ash's arms.

Dawn and May - LILLIE!

Hydro - Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Perseus - A girl fainted because your twin brother compliments her boldly, of course. He said.

Hydro - That's my bro! Always using his charms to a girl that he seems to like it. He said happily.

Ash - Relax girls, she's okay.

When Ash look at Lillie, his heart suddenly skipped a beat that he saw a goddess right in front of him.

Ash's mind - W-Wow...... her face....... her skin........ her eyes........ they are all perfect to me........ Out of all the girls........ I have met....... I can't believe I saw someone as gorgeous as her..... it's like I saw a sleeping goddess. Wait, what am I saying??? He fantasized happily.

When Lillie woke up, the blush on her face disappeared and she realized that she was being hold and she opened her eyes, she saw Ash staring at her with mouth open and blushing a tiny bit?

Lillie - Ugghh.... What happened?

Dawn - Well you fainted after you have been complimented by Ash by calling you cute. She explained.

May - Yeah! She agreed.

Ash - Are you ok, Lillie?

Lillie - Yeah Ash. I'm fine. No need to worry. She said while smiling.

Dawn - Hey, that's my catchphrase. She mumbled.

Ash - So, can I call you 'Cutie'? He asked again.

Lillie giggled and blushed and she said,

Lillie - Of course you can, Ash.

Ash smiled and lets go of Lillie and they continued walking towards to the auditorium.

Perseus - By the way, Ash. Why is that you will battle everytime a new student comes here? He asked.

Ash - To be honest, I actually don't know why am I doing that. Maybe because it is a form of welcoming them granted by the school and also to see and learn interesting things like how Fusion Evolution works and why is the Chosen one is the only person can do that and much more. He explained.

Hydro - Wow. Bro. Your awesome! He said happily.

Ash chuckled and said,

Ash - It's nothing too much.

Little they didn't know that Lillie is listening to them and she was very impressed on Ash's vast knowledge about those things that she didn't know and it makes her smile genuinely and thought,

Lillie's mind - 'Wow, Ash. You are so knowledgeable. I didn't know anything about that.'

With Kyle,

Kyle - Thanks again for everything, Miss Cynthia.

Cynthia - My pleasure. Oh, no need for formalities, just call me Cynthia instead. She said while smiling.

Kyle - Okay Cynthia.

Cynthia - Let's go to the auditorium. I bet you don't know where it is.

Kyle - Yeah.

Then they exited to Cynthia's office and proceed to the auditorium.

While they are walking, they talked about random things and stuff until they arrived to the backstage of the auditorium.

Cynthia - Well, here we are. At the backstage of the auditorium. Wait here until I call you okay?

Kyle - You got it.

Cynthia then went to the stage and she was welcomed by a round of applause and stuff.

To be continued...

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