Chapter 20: Preparation for the Alola Crisis

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(Guys, this is a chapter that will only contain Arceus' training with Ash, the most powerful pokèmon trainer ever lived. Take note that, all of Ash's pokèmon including Arceus himself are only level 400. With their training with Ash again, they will reach a whole new level, Level 500 where in their stats at level 100 is 50x multiplier. So, without further ado, Let's get right into the story!)

One year before his high school,

When Ash was resting on Pallet town, on Professor's Oak lab, Arceus suddenly called him through telepathy and said to him,

Arceus - "Ash, I need you to go to the Mount Silver. There is something I need to tell you and its very important. I'll be waiting for you here at the mountain."

Ash - "Yes, Arceus. I will be there." he said obediently.

After their communication through telepathy, Ash went downstairs and he saw Professor Oak, well you know doing research and stuff. He called him and said,

(Remember that his hood on his head is down and he still wearing his Kalos outfit and his black cloak with blue flames on the lower portion of it. Also, his voice is much more mature and deeper than before when he was ten years old.)

Ash - "Professor, Can I have a minute?"

(By the time Ash talk to professor Oak, he lowered his hood.)

The professor hears this and stops what he was doing and focused himself on the teenage boy and said,

P.O - "Sure."

They sat down in the couch and Ash began their conversation by explaining to him that he need to go to Mount Silver as soon as possible. After that, the professor said,

P.O - "I'll be allowing you to go to Arceus at the mountain. I bet she is waiting for you to go there. And be careful, Ash." he said sincerely.

Ash - "Thanks and I will, professor." he said with a smile on his face.

With that, Ash stood up, leaves the lab, closes the door behind him and began walking to the direction where Mount Silver lies.

After 15 minutes of walking, he finally reached the mountain. Upon reaching the mountain, he gestured himself a position where he prepares to jump. After charging his jump for 5 seconds, he leap tremendously high on the ground, So high that it needs 6 Burj Khalifas to stack each other and 21.2 meters to completely match his jump height.

(Pretty high, right? Mount Silver's height is 4950 meters high. Here is the math of Ash's jump, 829.8 x 6 = 4978.8 + 21.2 = 5000. where in 829.8 meters is the height of Burj Khalifa and it needed 6 of it plus the inadequate meters which is 21.2 meters. Imagine how high is that?Anyways, let's get back to the story.)

He is on the air only 50 meters above and landed on the ground using his powers to lessen his fall, having a soft landing.

Arceus - "Nice jump you got there huh?"

Ash - "Yeah, it is pretty high actually. I didn't actually know I could that." he said while scratching his head and with humor.

Arceus - "It will become useful when the time that you need it. Anyways, the reason why I called you is because I discover a new region called 'Alola' is suffering from Team Aether because of the Ultra Beasts. They are being controlled by Lusamine and my power is not enough to take them out because their power when they combined are too much for me. That's why I called you here. You may also train all of your pokèmon here when the time that you need them." he explained.

Ash - "So, what are we waiting for? Let's train right ahead!" he said excitedly.

Arceus - "Very well." he said with a smirk on his face.

Ash released all of his pokèmon and they gave a loud cry, roar and many noises. Ash said to them,

Ash - "Alright Guys, listen up! today we will train for one year here again to defeat Team Aether. Understood?"

All of them nod in agreement, find their sparring matches and began their training. Arceus was also there, training with them.

Before their training, Ash teaches them how to talk and understand human language.

(So from now on, All of his pokèmon can now talk and understand human language.)

The training lasted for a year with repeating a cycle. Eat, rest for a while and train again.

After 6 months...

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