Season 2, Chapter 6: Divine Training

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Setting: In the gym, Battlefield #2

Before they start to train, Ash teach them how to use Siphon by telling them to concentrate their mind and power so that anywhere they receive an attack, it will automatically be siphoned.

Ash then tested them by launching a flamethrower attack in which nothing happened and they receive minimal damage because of their high defenses but they didn't absorbed the damage.

Ash - You need more concentration guys, to absorb 100% of the attack's damage. Let's try again.

Ash then launch another attack but this time, it's a Hydro Pump attack. The attack hit them but they only absorbed 10% damage of the attack and they feel more powerful and rejuvenated at he same time.

Ash then sensed them in which he smiles and said,

Ash - Good job guys. Even though 10% damage of the attack you absorbed, still you managed to absorb it.

Kyle and Perseus - Thanks, Ash.

Ash - Your welcome. Now let us continue our training. By the way, before we continue, there is something I wanted to say to both of you.

Kyle - What is it?

Ash - The reason why I teach this ability to both of you is that when emergency is needed and the disadvantage of Siphon is that it only absorbs magical or elemental attacks. That means all physical attacks will become effective. The advantage of Siphon is you can stack your power endlessly when you fully mastered it.

Perseus - Got it.

Kyle - Nice!

Ash - Now, let's continue our training session.

Kyle - Aye!

And so they continued their training to become more powerful being.

After 10 days of training. Kyle and Perseus now fully mastered the ability of Siphon and any attack they will receive, it will become 100% of elemental attack damage will be absorbed and stack they can stack it to their own power endlessly.

Kyle - Whew, we made it Perseus!

Perseus - I know right!

Ash - Since you made it, Let me check your power level.

Kyle - Ehh? You can check the power level of a living being?

Ash - Yeah. Remember what I said on Azazel's power level. Her power is beyond 1 million and she categorize on Beyond Omni God category just like us.

Kyle - Ahh! I remember it.

Ash - Now stand still.

Ash then use his Aura Scan ability and he was amazed on their power levels.

Ash's current power level: 5.50 Million Battle Power
Kyle's current power level: 5.60 Million Battle Power
Perseus's current power level: 5.50 Million Battle Power

Ash - Wow Kyle! You have a higher power level than me and Perseus! He said surprised.

Kyle - Really?! What is it?! He said excitedly.

Ash - Your current power level is 5.60 Million Battle Power.

Kyle was super happy on his power level. He managed to beat Ash in terms of Power.

Kyle - Yay!!!!

Ash - But in terms of Intelligence, I have higher amount than both of you.

Perseus - Yeah, obviously.

Ash's IQ - 200
Perseus's IQ - 150
Kyle's IQ - 150

Perseus - Let me guess, 200?

Ash - Nice one, Perseus! By the way, your IQ is the same as Kyle.

Kyle - And what is the amount?

Ash - 150. He said then he deactivate his Aura Scan ability.

When Ash looked at the sky, the sun now is setting and at anytime it will be evening.

Ash - Come on guys, it's getting late, let's go back to our dorm.

Perseus - Yeah. Let's go back.

And with that, they are on their way to their dorm while chatting random things.

To be continued...

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