Season 2, Chapter 9: Wrath vs. Pride

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Referee - Wrathan vs. Lucifide, begin the third round!

Ash - Wrathan, use Flamethrower followed by Dark Pulse!

Wrathan uses his gun to summon a red ball of fire energy while he opened his pincers to produce a beam of purple circles and when he is done charging, he launch the attacks simultaneously.

Perseus - Lucifide, dodge then use Groundspike!

Lucifide leap very high to dodge the attacks and stomp the ground really hard to erupt black spikes of demonic energy and it is heading towards to Wrathan.

Ash - Wrathan, fly above then use your hook to grab Lucifide.

Wrathan fly above using his wings and successfully dodged the Groundspike attack and he extends his hook to grab Lucifide only to be block by his hand. Lucifide then uses this as an advantage as he threw Wrathan's hook and he sends him flying across the battlefield but Wrathan backflips to recover while in the air.

Perseus - Whoa. Wrathan can backflip? Awesome!

Ash - I know, right. I trained him to use backflip just in case. Anyway, Wrathan use Pyroblast!

Wrathan then uses his claw to form a fiery boulder and threw it at Lucifide.

Perseus - Deflect the attack then use Flamethrower!

Lucifide waited for the right time to reach the boulder close enough to him and when the time is right, Lucifide then hold the boulder and toss it back to Wrathan and opened his mouth to release a stream of red-orange fire from its mouth at his opponent.

Two different fire attacks are now simultaneously heading towards to Wrathan at full speed.

Ash - Destroy the boulder then absorb the flames.

Wrathan then uses his pincers to punch the boulder causing it to explode in million pieces of small stones and when the flames hit him, he let it be as he absorbs the flames and with a loud roar he powered up by 20% and the flames disappeared.

Ash - This battle is going to be good. I'm not going to forget this match. He said excitedly.

Perseus - Yeah me neither.

Ash - Wrathan use Firebolt!

Perseus - First Pyroblast and now Firebolt? Wow, you sure are full of surprises, aren't you, Ash? He said amazed.

Ash - Yup. I taught all of my pokémon to learn new attacks that I have invented.

Wrathan then uses his gun and launch a fiery red sphere at Lucifide.

Perseus - Dodge then counter it with your own Firebolt!

Lucifide dodged the attack and countered Wrathan with his own Firebolt.

Ash - Dodge then quickly use your hook to grab Lucifide then uppercut him with Metal Claw!

When Lucifide fired a fiery red sphere, Wrathan punched it and he quickly used his claw to grab Lucifide to which he caught him and pulled him while his claw is glowing in white color. When Lucifide is near to him, he releases him and punched him in the gut hard enough to penetrate on Lucifide's defenses and uppercut him sending flying across the sky. Once again, Wrathan extends his hook and he successfully grabbed Lucifide and when he is near to him, He smacked him with his four arms that sends him to the ground as Lucifide hit it very hard enough to create an explosion of dust. (Lucifide's hp 95%)

When the dust and smoke are gone, Lucifide is there standing while clenching his fists. With a deafening roar, the ground started to shake violently and soon the sky became dark and several red lightning bolts are striking at the battlefield in random locations. (well except in the audience and the Champion Stand)

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