Chapter 29: Origin of the Rejuvenated Alola

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(Note at the end of the chapter.)

At the canteen, Lunch Break 12:10 pm

Ash is now at his table with the Alolan girls sitting. Lillie is sitting besides Ash on the left while Mallow and Lana facing them. Ash started the conversation,

Ash - "So, what do you guys want to talk about?"

Mallow asked,

Mallow - "Can you show us your pokèmon including the legendaries?"

Ash hesitated at first but he said to them,

Ash - "Okay I will show to all the people here my pokèmon but in one condition."

Lana - "What is it?"

Ash - "All of you must keep this for our school only because I don't want any people steal or capture my pokèmon especially legendaries."

Lillie - "Don't worry, you can count on us."

Ash - "Very well."

Then they continue eating their lunch and talk about random stuff. Once they are finished, they stood up while carrying their plate with spoon and fork also the glass on the plate meaning they are holding the plate with spoon, fork and the glass on it with their two hands. Meanwhile, when Lana trip on something that is scattered on the floor, the utensils will fall on the ground. Ash reacted quickly so he grab Lana like a bridal-style and he uses his telekinesis to float the utensils. Ash said to Lana while his eyes are glowing blue,

Ash - "Are you okay?"

Lana blushes because she is being carried like a princess and she feel the warmth of his body and asked something while blushing,

Lana - "Ummm... Ash, why is your eyes are glowing blue and why are the silverwares and the plate are floating."

Ash - "I will explain everything later after school but right now I will lay you down on the floor cause everyone is staring at us and it embarasses me."

It's true, everyone is staring at them.

Lana laughs sheepishly and said,

Lana - "Okay, sorry about that."

Then Ash lay down Lana on the floor and he drops down the sliverwares and give it to Lana and when Lana grabs the silverwares, Ash eyes stop glowing and returned back to normal. Then the people stopped and continued what they are doing. Ash then told to Lana,

Ash - "Just be careful next time okay."

Lana smiled and said,

Lana - "Okay."

'Damn, I want more of that.' She thought while walking towards to the counter.

Then they proceed to the counter to return their silverwares without tripping this time and went back to the classroom. After 15 minutes of walking, they reached their classroom and they sat down to where they are seated to. Ash then look at his nanodex and it tells 12:45 pm.

'Looks there is more time. Nah I woul rather tell them after school.' Ash thought.

Then they waited for 15 minutes to bell to ring and after 15 minutes, the bell rang. All of the girls fixed themselves, clean their classroom for a little bit and they sit while waiting for their next teacher.

Time skip to after school,

Ash is in the principal office and knocked on tbe door,

Ash - "Cynthia, are you there?"

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