Chapter 28: More Questions

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In the classroom,

Ash is currently knocking in the door and the door opened. The girl that opened is Misty and said,

Misty blushes for a little when he saw Ash and said,

Misty - "Oh, you must be the new student. Come on in."

Ash - "Thanks." he replied while smiling.

Ash came in the room and sat beside Lillie and Serena. (They are at the middle though.)

Serena blushes madly because not only she saw a very handsome man more handsome than Narcissus but also he sat beside her. Ash then saw Serena and greeted her,

Ash - "Hi, My name is Ash. What's yours?"

Serena - "S-S-Serena." she said shyly.

Ash - "Serena hmmm... I like your name and it suits you by the way." he said with his bright smile and winked at her.

Serena then blushes even more and almost fainted because of Ash's handsomeness and she thought,

Serena's mind - 'He likes my name??!! Oh my God. Best day of my life!!" she thought to herself.

Ash turned around to Lillie and asked,

Ash - "So Lillie, who will be our teacher for today?"

Lillie - "Umm.. I think it's Professor Oak. He will teach us all about pokèmon poetry."

Ash - "Okay. Thanks." he said with a smile.

Lillie blush also and she thought,

'Man, I like his smile. I always feel happy and inspired because of that dazzling smile on his face.' she thought and replied to him with her greatest smile,

Lillie - "Your welcome."

Few minutes later, A tall man entered and greeted his students.

Professor Oak - "Good morning, class."

All of the students stand up including Ash and greeted him as well. Before they even sat down, Professor Oak notices Ash and said,

Professor Oak - "Oh Ash, I didn't expect you here. What made you to come this prestigious University?"

Ash then stood up and said to him,

Ash - "A letter was in my mailbox and when I read it, I made my mind that I need to attend school to have some fun. I guess."

Professor Oak - "Okay. One more thing before you sit down."

Ash - "What is it?"

Professor Oak - "Can you tell us more about yourself because I only know the part of you."

Ash - "Sure, I would love to."

He then walk to the center, standing in front of the girls while Professor Oak went to the right side.

Ash - "Hmmm. How we should start this? umm.. I got it."

Ash then narrates what happened to his journey during the past four years. The people there in the classroom was amazed because of how Ash traveled almost the whole world only four years.

Ash - "Anyone else want to ask more?"

May then raised her right hand. Ash notices her tell her to stand up and May said,

May - "Why is there no more evil organizations like Team Rocket, Team Magma, etc.?"

Ash - "Oh, an easy one. I eliminate all of them with the help of my pokèmon."

Then again they were shocked and amazed on what Ash did.

Ash - "Anything else?"

May - "No more."

Then May sat down and smiled on what Ash did because she will no longer suffer from the bad guys. Dawn raised her hand, stand up and asked, (By the way, Dawn is sitting beside May)

Dawn - "Do you have a legendary pokèmon?"

Ash - "Yes I do. In fact, all of them came to me and I don't need to catch them. I have almost all of the legendaries with the exception of The Tapus here in Alola because guarding the Alola are there responsibility and I understand that. So yeah."

Dawn - "Wow Ash I never thought that you gain all the legendaries from Kanto to Alola." Dawn then sat down and Ash told them one more thing,

Ash - "Oh I almost forgot. The reason why I have the legendaries is because that I am the Chosen One. Chosen One means one who is the object of choice or of divine favor. Meaning, Arceus himself chose me to have him and the legendaries as well. Pretty interesting right? The reason why Arceus came with me because of my mother." he said sadly on the last part that he said,

Iris - "What happened to your mother?"

Ash - "Team Rocket killed her and thanks to power that Arceus gave to me, I managed to eliminate Team Rocket and all the evil organizations in existence."

Iris - "Oh I'm sorry Ash."

Ash - "No its okay. Anyways, no more questions about me?"

The girls said no in unison.

Ash - "Okay, So I think that's all for today."

Ash then sit down and Professor Oak went to the center.

Professor Oak - "That's was a very interesting of you Ash. Anyways, I am going to teach you now all about poetry."

Then Professor Oak teaches them all about poetry until his session with them ended.

To be continued...

(Sorry for the cliffhanger though because I am writing this chapter at 12:30 am and I need to get some sleep because I need to. I hope you can understand me.)

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