Season 2, Chapter 18: Ultimate Championship Round has finally commenced!!

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(Before I start, I will make first a timeskip for 3 days because Ash and Kyle will only do training and training with their pokémon. So yeah, let's get right into it.)

3 days has passed and the two legendary trainers have successfully trained their pokémon to their tip-top shape. Their overall stats have been increased by 200%, they gained 300 levels each of their pokémon, learned new moves from here and there and some minor improvements as well.

Setting: At the Indigo Plateau

The two made their entrance on the large field as they wave their hands to the audience as a sign of greeting.

Ash - You ready, Kyle?

Kyle - Ready when you are.

Ash - Good. Now give me a fight that we will never forget.

Kyle - Right back at ya.

Lillie and the group were on the bleachers, watching the battle.

Hydro - This battle is going to be super intense for sure!

Perseus - You got that right, Hydro.

Serena - I wonder what will be their pokémon first?

Announcer - Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final round, the Ultimate Championship Round! Each side will use a minimum of 10 pokémon. The rules from the semi-finals is also applicable here. So without further ado, let's get the battle started!

The crowd went wild as cheers and screams were heard everywhere in the stadium.

Referee - Both sides, please choose your first pokémon!

Ash - Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem. I choose you!

Ash then threw 3 pokéballs and the Tao Trio came out in it, letting out a roar one by one.

Hilda - Why did Ash let out the Tao Trio Pokémon? Isn't that against the rules?

Perseus - Heh heh. Just wait and see.

Ash - Tao Trio, perform the T-Fusion!

Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem closed their eyes and their bodies glowed brightly as it turned into an orb that is correspondence to their color of their body. (Reshiram is white, Zekrom is black and Kyurem is icy-blue) Suddenly the three orbs began to spin rapidly at a fast rate. While spinning, the orbs are drawing near to each other. When it made contact, the orbs stop spinning and it merged into a one large mixed-color orb. When it touches on the ground, the orb dissipates and a new pokémon appeared for the first time in the battlefield. The pokémon roared so loud that it send massive shockwaves across the stadium. A brief and short earthquake happened during the roar.

Champions - T-Fusion?!

Alder - What the hell is T-Fusion?

Ash then looked at Alder and began to fly in front of him.

The champions and also all of the Elite four of each region (except for Cynthia) including Mr. Goodshow gasped in shock that they witness a human flying without wings.

Lucian - How in the world did you do that, Ash? How can you even fly without wings?

Ash - I'm afraid I can't tell you right now, Lucian but Cynthia can but for now I'll explain the T-Fusion. T-Fusion is a type of pokémon fusion that involves 3 pokémon. From the letter T means three. As a matter of fact, I have six pokémon that can use T-Fusion, including the Tao Trio. For now, watch closely our battle because I will assure to all of you that our battle will be the battle that you will never ever forget. Witness the power of the Gods!

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