Chapter 12: Gym Battle

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After the training with Zekrom and Pikachu, Ash now leaves the field and they are currently searching for the Viridian City Gym. He asked the man on the city and said,

Ash - "Um.. Excuse me sir, Where is the Viridian City Gym?" he politely asked.

Man - "Oh, its this way, you will walk straight forward at about 25 meters and then turn right. There you will see the A big building which called Viridian City Gym."

Ash - "I understand. Thank you very much sir."

Man - "Happy to help." he said while smiling.

Ash did what the man told. After a few.minutes of walking, he was able to reach the gym, knocked on the door and he opened it.

Gary - "Ah, you must be the challenger I've been waiting for, Come on in."

Ash come in and he asked,

Ash - "Um... Are you the gym leader here?"

Gary - "Yes. Now do you want to battle for your first badge?"

Ash - "Definitely, I've been itching to win that badge." he said excitedly.

Gary - "That's the spirit."

Without wasting time, Gary now walk on the left side of the field, while Ash on the right and the referee said,

Referee - "This is an official gym battle between Gary Oak the Gym leader and Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Each trainer will use 2 pokèmon. Moves such as Baton Pass, etc. will be applicable. Only the challenger can substitute. Trainers send out your pokèmon." he said while two flags. One is red on his left and one is green on his right.

Note: (Pretend that Ash didn't know Gary.)

Gary sent out his powerful Nidoking while Ash sent out his Pikachu.

Referee - "Let the battle begin!" he said while he raised the two flags

Ash - "Start things off with your quick attack, Pikachu!"

Pikachu glowed white and dashes to Nidoking with increased speed.

Gary - "Counter it with your earthquake!"

Nidoking punches the ground so strong that the ground is shaking.

Ash - "Pikachu, jump!"

Pikachu leaps very high to dodge the earthquake.

Ash - "Now use your iron tail!"

While falling down, Pikachu's tail glowed gray and hit Nidoking's head with critical hit (Nidoking's hp 40%)

Gary - "Wow now that is one powerful iron tail, but I will not lose, Nidoking use mega punch!"

Nidoking's right arm glowed white and punches Pikachu dealing damage (Pikachu's hp 89%.)

Ash - "Let's end this, Thunder!"

Pikachu's whole body glowed yellow and unleashed a powerful Thunder.

Gary - "You do know Electric attacks are weak against Rock Types." He said while smirking.

Ash chuckled and said,

Ash - "We'll see."

When the dust and the smoke was gone, Nidoking was laying down on the ground with swirls on tis eyes meaning it was fainted.

Refree - "Nidoking is unable to battle, Ash wins the battle!" he said while he gestures the flag to Ash.

Gary - "Nice, you have proven to me that type advantages is not the key to win a battle. It's all about trust."

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