Chapter 32: School!

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(Seriously, I don't even though what I title in this chapter XD. I'm sorry for the late update, guys. It's just that I can't think any plot. I hope all of you understand me. Anyways, Let's get started.)

With Ash, Lillie and Hydro in her bedroom.

(By the way, her bed is enough for three people and their positions are, Ash is at her left, Lillie at the middle and Hydro is at her right.)

Lillie was the one who woke up first and when she open her eyes, she notice that the boys are sleeping, of course but she feel something warm around her body. She realize that the twins are hugging her while sleeping! Lillie blushed immensely and said,

Lillie - "I feel so lucky that I have these twins, hugging me while sleeping. Especially, Ash." she said to herself.

Shee didn't realize that Ash heard her voice because of his aura powers. Ash wake up, rubbed his eyes and said,

Ash - "Don't worry, Lillie. I will make you the luckiest girl in the whole universe." he said densely.

Lillie's heart suddenly raced, still with deep crimson red on her face and stutters,

Lillie - "I-I-I-I..."

Ash just smiled on her and jump out of the bed to wake Hydro up.

Ash successfully wake Hydro up and went to the bathroom to do his usual routine.

Time skip to breakfast,

Ash, Lillie (still blushing on what happened earlier) and Hydro went downstairs and they saw Lusamine and they greeted,

Ash, Lillie, Hydro - "Good morning!"

Lusamine - "Good morning." she notice that her daughter's face is red and said,

Lusamine - "Umm.. Lillie, why is your face red? Are you okay?"

Ash went immediately to Lusamine and whispers to her what happened earlier, Lusamine chuckled a bit and said whispered back to Ash,

Lusamine - "Be sure to take care of my daughter someday, okay?"

Ash - "Don't worry, I will make sure that she is protected." he reassured.

Lusamine - "Very well."

They continued their breakfast until they ready themselves to go to school.

Lusamine - "Take care guys. Ash remember what we discuss earlier." she reminded him.

Ash - "Okay. I understand."

Then they leave the mansion.

While walking, Hydro starts the conversation.

Hydro - "What did she tell you?"

Ash whispered to him,

Ash - "I will tell you later."

They continue walking until they reach the University. Lillie said,

Lillie - "Well guys, I am going to my section now. Ash, you will be the one who will tour him in this university."

Ash - "Okay. Take care." he said and winked at her.

Lillie again blushed and said,

Lillie - "I-I will."

Ash suddenly remembered Perseus and tell Hydro,

Ash - "Hydro, stay right here. I'll be back with a few minutes."

Hydro - "Okay."

Ash then quickly teleported himself to his dorm and saw Perseus still sleeping.

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