Chapter 4: The Power Of Aura

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After the short conversation, Arceus began his second gift to Ash by touching his chest gently and something happened to Ash. He began to glow blue and he felt that he is powering up physically. After the glowing process, Ash has now received the power of Aura that Arceus gave to him. He also gain the power of telepathy, psychic and teleportation. His clothes change to auran clothes and he became muscular or physically attractive from that state. Ash was very happy on that gift and no words can Ash says anymore because of the kindness and generosity of Arceus to him.

Ash - "I have no more to say, but thank you, thank you for the kindness that you gave to me. Ever since my mother died, you appeared right in front of me and helped me to seek revenge from Team Rocket. With the help of you and the legendaries, I might be able to defeat them and gain justice to my mom." he said with a mixture of happiness and sadness and almost to cry.

Arceus - "Now, now don't cry. I am also happy that you accepted me on your family even though we only meet others for the first time." he said while smiling.

Ash - "Great. Thanks for the gift."

Arceus - "No Problem, son."

Ash - "Wait, son? Does this mean you are my mother from now on?" he said, amazed and shocked.

Arceus - "Yes. Ever since your mother died, I also feel what you are feeling since that day and my mind is telling that, You, my chosen one, will become my son from now on and when your mother hear this, I'm sure she will be very happy for you."

Ash - "Yeah, I guess you're right and thank your for keeping me ." he said while smiling.

Arceus - "With pleasure. Come on, we need to go back to the mount silver."

Ash - "Yes, Mother."

Without wasting time, Arceus began to glow purple and they teleported away from her home. After a few moments, they arrived at mount silver still, Ash's pokemon is training. In the form of a hand signal, his pokemon stop what they are doing and Ash said.

Ash - *after lowering his right hand* "Okay guys, all of you must take a rest."

Ash begin to press several buttons on his device and all of his pokemon returned and resting in his watch then he did the same process again, but legendaries came out this time and he said,

Ash - "Now its your turn to train and achieve your full potential. All of you may begin now."

All the legendaries nod in agreement and find their sparring mate and began their training.

(Sorry for the short chapter guys. I hope you understand me.)

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