Chapter 23: Arrival at the Alola

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It was just dawn when Ash woke up and when he looks on the time its says, "4:00 am". He woke up his Pikachu and he leaped out on the bed and Ash fixes it. He went downstairs and turned on the lights, do his morning routine and he saw Lusamine, there sleeping peacefully. He smiled for while and continued his routine. Afterwards, he went outside of his house to check his mailbox and there was an envelope there.

Ash - "Huh, there is an envelope here. I wonder what it says."

Ash went back to his house, closes the door behind him silently and went on the kitchen table and reads the letter.

Ash - "It says, The Pokèmon University will be held in Alola, not in Kanto. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

Ash - "Oh, okay."

He went to Lusamine and said,

Ash - "Hey Lusamine, wake up. We're going to Alola."

Lusamine - "5 more minutes." she said with a sleepy tone.

Ash - "Oh. You leave me no choice." he said sarcastically.

Ash - "Hey Lusamine, want to make out? because I want you forever in my life..." he said seductively and kissed her cheek.

Lusamine suddenly woke up and saw Ash was very close to her, causing her to blush harder and said,

Lusamine - "What did you say earlier and why did you... kiss me?" she said with curiosity also blushing.

Ash - "Just forget it. I only did that because for only to wake you up."

Lusamine - "Oh okay."

Ash look on the time and it is 4:15 am and he said to her,

Ash - "Come, I'll make our breakfast."

Lusamine - "Okay."

Lusamine rises up on the couch and did her morning routine as well and later on she sat on the chair.

Ash is currently making BLT sandwiches. He then placed it on the table. They ate it and when they are done eating, Ash went upstairs to get his two backpacks. One of them was larger enough to place all of his clothes and other stuff and the other one is for his school and then he went downstairs with his two bags and talked to Lusamine.

Ash - "Tell me which one would you want. We will go the Vermillon City Port to go to Alola or we can just teleport to the Alola." he told to Lusamine.

Lusamine - "Teleportation."

Ash - "Got it. Oh I almost forgot would you like to come at Mount Silver?" he asked her.

Lusamine - "Sure, why not?"

Ash - "Alright, Let's go!"

They went outside on the house and closes the door behind him, locked it and he teleported themselves to the top of Mount Silver and there they saw Arceus.

Ash - "Arceus, I will go to Alola to attend school and make sure stay yourself hidden at all costs."

Arceus - "Okay, Be careful out there Ash and good luck!" he said while smiling.

Ash - "Thanks and I will, Arceus." he replied also smiling.

Ash - "So, shall we?"

Lusamine - "You mean it??" she said while blushing and smiling as well.

Ash - "No, I mean shall we go to Alola?"

Lusamine - "Oh come on I was joking" she pouted "and yeah let's go!" she said excitedly.

Ash - "Very well. Now, hold my hand tightly."

Lusamine then hold Ash's left hand tightly and closes his eyes to do the teleportation. After a second or two, they disappeared on the mountain and they arrived at the Alola in an instant.

They walked together to the school where it is not far away to where Ash teleported on. After 4 minutes they arrived at the school and it says closed. Ash look his nanodex and it was 4:35 am.

Ash - "Man, we arrived too early."

Lusamine - "Yeah. Hey, let's go to my daughter's house."

Ash - "Wait a second. All this time you have a daughter?!" he said shocked.

Lusamine - "Yeah and I am 26 years old. Sorry I forgot to tell you." she said sincerely.

Ash - "No, its okay. But still, I can't believe that you have a daughter. Because for me, you look like a teenager just like me."

It's true, Lusamine look like a teenager for Ash.

Lusamine blushed and said,

Lusamine - "Aw, stop you are making me blush."

Ash - "Yeah I know, because I always saw you blushing in front of me."

Lusamine - "Okay." she said absent-mindedly. "Anyways, Let's get to the my daughter and tell her I am sorry for everything." she said with a little bit of sadness in her voice.

Ash - "Don't worry. I will help you." he said with bright smile on his face.

Lusamine - "Thanks, Ash." she said, regaining her happiness.

Ash - "Your welcome." he said while winking to her.

He then looked at his nanodex and its already 5:00 am. They soon began walking in east direction. After 20 minutes of walking, they finally arrived Lillie's mansion, where Lusamine lived before.

Ash - "So, this is where you live I assume?"

Lusamine - "Yeah. Come on let's get inside."

Ash - "Wait, let's make a plan first."

Lusamine - "Okay."

Ash - "The plan is when you go inside and something bad happened like your daughter cast you away from your home or whatever bad happens, just go outside, tell me what happened there and I will help you to understand your daughter. I am only here at the door. Are we clear in that?" he explained.

Lusamine - "Yes, sir."

Ash - "Okay. Go inside to your mansion."

Lusamine took a deep breath and went inside the mansion and...

To be continued...

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