Chapter 16: Overpowered

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Finally, Ash and Pikachu reached the Pewter Gym. Upon reaching the gym, He knocked on the door but when he tried to open the door knob, it was unlocked. He hesitated first because he might be trespassing on the gym but he entered on the dark room saying,

Ash - "Hello? Is anyone here?"

Suddenly, a light appeared on the gym and a tall boy appeared and said,

Brock - "Well, you are here to challenge me, right?"

Ash - "Yes. I am here to win my second badge." he said with determination in his eyes.

Brock sees this and smiled saying,

Brock - "Let's get started."

Then they proceed to their designated positions. Ash is on the right and Brock is on the left.

Referee - "This is an official gym battle between the Gym Leader Brock and Ash. Each trainer will use two pokèmon. Only the challenger can substitute his / her pokèmon. Moves such as Baton pass, etc. will be applicable. Trainers, send out your pokèmon!"

Brock - "Go, Onix!"

Upon releasing the pokèball, a large snake pokèmon that has rock skin land on the field gave a loud roar. While on the other side,

Ash - "Go, Charizard!"

After pressing some buttons on his nanodex, a dragon-type (this is just his physical appearance, okay? because Charizard really look like a dragon so just go on with the thrill) pokèmon appeared in the battle field. He has 2 large wings and 2 horns on his head with an orange skin and blue-green belly. His wings and horns are slightly larger than a regular Charizard. He then landed on the field and gave also loud roar.

Referee - "Battle Begin!" he said while raises the two flags on both sides of the battlefield.

Brock did not waste time and use his first move.

Brock - "Use Rock Throw!"

Onix suddenly slam his tail on the rocky field and some rocks flew in the air. Onix gave a roar signifying that he was to attack and the rocks flew to Charizard.

Ash - "Take it!"

Charizard just stood there and the rocks impacted him. After the dust and smoke was cleared, Charizard stood there like nothing happened and the attack dealed only minimal damage. (Charizard's hp 98.5%)

Brock - "Not even a scratch." he said while gritting his teeth.

Ash - "Our turn. Charizard use flamethrower!"

Charizard open his mouth wide and unleashes a very hot flamethrower.

Brock - "Quick, Onix use dig!"

Onix suddenly dive on the ground and he successfully dodged the attack. The flames impacted on the rock which the rock melted quickly.

Brock - "Now that's power."

Ash - "Thanks. Charizard, Fly!"

Charizard ready his wings and began flying on the battlefield.

Brock - "No good, Onix get of there now!"

Onix suddenly appeared on the field and saw Charizard flying.

Brock - "Use Rock Throw!"

Onix unleashes the attack and lock on to Charizard.

Ash - "Charizard, dodge it then use flamethrower to burn those rocks!"

Charizard unleashes the attack and the rocks were melted. Sooner or later, the flames reached Onix.

Brock - "Dodge it!"

But he was too late as the flames reached Onix and he roared in pain when he was enveloped by the flames and the attack deal critical damage but not enough to faint Onix. Due to the rocks a while ago, the flamethrower reduces some of its power. (Onix's hp 45%.)

Ash wasted no time and he called another attack to Charizard.

Ash - "Finish him off with your scratch attack but with 10% of your power."

Charizard while in the air dashes down to Onix and his claws became longer and glowed white. Upon reaching Onix, he scratches him two times. When that moment happened, the time just suddenly stop just when Charizard arranged his position, Onix began fell to the ground and has a swirl on his eyes.

Referee - "Onix is unable to battle. Ash wins!"

Brock returned his Onix and he said,

Brock - "Onix, you did your best. Take a nice long rest. That's it. I forfeit the match."

Upom hearing this, Ash was shocked and said,

Ash - "What?, Why?"

Brock - "Because I see you that you have been overpowered me during the battle. No doubt that you will win on the league using only one to two pokèmon."

Ash - "Oh, okay. I understand what you mean."

Referee - "The Gym Leader forfeit on the battle. The match goes to Ash!" he said while he raised his green flag towards Ash's side.

Ash returned his Charizard and Brock went to Ash and he gives something.

Brock - "Here's your Boulder badge, *While handig the badge to Ash* proven that you win in this gym."

Ash - "Alright! I won the Boulder Badge!" he said while doing a pose where he earns his badge.

Pikachu - "Pipikachu! (Alright!)" he said while doing a peace sign.

Ash - "Thanks, Brock!" he said while smiling to him.

Brock - "No problem."

Ash - "I think I gotta gow now. By the way, what and where is the next gym?"

Brock "Its in the Cerulean city."

Ash - "Thanks for the information. Gotta go now, bye." he said while waving his hand.

Brock - "See you soon!" he said also waving his hand to Ash.

Ash now exited the gym and stopped for a while to place his badge on his case. Seconds later, He stand up, place backpack on his back and said to Pikachu,

Ash - "Well Pikachu, time to proceed to Cerulean City and win our third badge!" he said while pumping his fist in the air.

Pikachu - "Pika! (Yeah!)"

With that, they proceed walking to Cerulean City.

And the journey continues!

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