Chapter 36: Do you like someone?

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Ash then proceeds to the center and began talking,

Ash - "The reason why I am 20 minutes late is that. After we fix the auditorium, Principal Cynthia while on our walk, she tripped on her shoes and I successfully catches her and carry her all the way to her office. Then, I healed her ankle and we chat a little bit. That's why I am late."

Ash could feel that the atmosphere on his area was full of jealousy and he started to feel nrevous.

Teacher - "Okay. I understand the situation now. Now take your seat."

Ash - "Thank you, sir."

Ash then sits besides with Lillie and Serena.

Serena asks Ash,

Serena - "Is that true Ash?"

Ash - "Yes."

Serena - "Oh. okay."

~~~~ time skip to lunch break~~~~

Serena is carrying her tray with her food while finding a seat. Meanwhile, Ash calls her and raises his hand,

Ash - "Hey Serena! Over here!"

Serena then turn around and she replied,

Serena - "Coming!"

Serena then went over there and sat beside Hydro.

With the awkward silence while eating, Hydro started the conversation,

Hydro - "So.. uh your name is Serena, right?"

Serena - "Yeah."

Hydro - "What motivates you to attend this university?"

Serena - "To learn more about pokèmon, especially in fairy type. What about you?"

Hydro - "To be with my twin brother, Ash."

Serena - "I see."

Perseus - "Hey Hydro, there is something I want to tell you." he said with a smirk.

Hydro - "What is it?"

Perseus - "Come here."

Perseus then whispered to him,

Perseus - "You like Serena, don't you?" he said teasingly.

Hydro then began to blush and said,

Hydro - "No, I am not. We're just good friends."

Perseus - "Oh really. Okay."

Serena - "What are you guys talking about?"

Before Hydro tried to speak, Perseus said,

Perseus - "Oh, we are just talking about that Hydro like y-" he then was interrupted by Hydro, covering his mouth.

Hydro - "It's really nothing. hehe. You almost got me there, Perseus."

Serena - "Okay."

Perseus just shrugged and Hydro let go of his hand on Perseus' mouth.

Hydro - "So what about you, Ash, do you like someone?"

Ash then think about that and said,

Ash - "Well, to be honest, I like someone." he admitted.

Serena - "Really? Who?"

Ash - "I think I like Lillie and this principal of ours and I can't choose between the two of them." he said with a little bit of blush on his face.

Serena was startled and said with a loud voice,

Serena - "You mean, you like Principal Cynthia??!!"

The students in the canteen suddenly look at Ash and co. and Serena suddenly realized what she said so she covered her mouth.

Serena - "Sorry guys. Just ignore us and continue eating."

the students just shrug it off and continued eating.

Serena - "Seriously, Ash. You like her?"

Ash - "I don't know. Oh, I remember! When I accidentally read her mind, she thought that she fell in love with me."

Hydro - "Wow, Bro you must be lucky guy, don't you?"

Ash - "Maybe."

Ash - "I haven't thought about it. What my heart is telling to me that I love both of them. Really and my mind tells that, it should be only one. I-I don't know, it makes me confused."

Serena - "Then be careful on making decisions, okay? Any mistake will greatly affect your life." she advised to him.

Ash - "Thanks, Serena. I'm gonna need that."

They continued eating their lunch until the bell rang. After they finised their eating, they immediately proceed to their classroom.

To be continued...

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