Season 2, Chapter 2: Kyle's backstory

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Setting: In the Auditorium

When the crowd is silent and ready to listen, Cynthia then began,

Cynthia - Greetings, everyone. Welcome to our another general assembly here in the auditorium. As you all know, we have a new student here in our school. This new student is again, a male. Just like Ash, Hydro and Perseus. Again, we will have Ash who will welcome him by battling him. Now, most of you might wondering why is Ash is the one who will be responsible for this. It has a simple reason, to make our students and the professors to see and learn different kinds of new things and learnings that only HE is the one who only knows in which it will be essential to us. And also for the upcoming tournament that I am going to discuss later on.

Ash - Ahhh so that's why.

Cynthia then continued her opening speech,

Cynthia - The tournament will be held on the next two months and only the strong ones are the only who will be participating so that it will become interesting so all of you will train and train hard and there will be no classes within these two months. Before I go further into this, let us all welcome our new student, Kyle Katsuno Sakai! Let's give him a warm round of applause!

Then the students including Ash and the gang stood up and gave Kyle a warm round of applause as he enters the stage. Cynthia then gave the mic to Kyle and he began to speak.

Kyle - Uhh.. Hello everyone. I'm Kyle Katsuno Sakai but you can call me Kyle instead. I'm originally live from a galaxy that is 6.9073 light years away from Earth. The name of that galaxy is Galaxy of the Gods. From there, there is a planet called Epimetheus. There are 3 reasons why I arrived here on Earth is that first: Even though I am really far away here, I used my Ultrasensory ability that allows me to sense life auras at an astounding distance of 10 light years away.

Hydro - Galaxy of the Gods and Planet Epimetheus. Never heard of that before. He commented.

Perseus - Me neither.

Ash - Wow. Such an awesome ability. I wish I can learn that. I didn't expect Kyle to enroll here in school. What a surprise. He said, amazed by Kyle's ability.

Ash then raised his hand. Kyle immediately recognizes that hand and said,

Kyle - Oh Ash. What is it that you want to ask me?

Ash then stood up and said with excitement on his tone,

Ash - Can you teach me and Perseus your Ultrasensory ability?? It's so cool!!

Kyle chuckled and said,

Kyle - Alright, Ash. After I finished my speech.

Ash - Yes!!

Kyle - Anyway, as I was saying, Ultrasensory ability is an ability that only gods can learn like me, Ash and Perseus.

Misty - Say what?! She screamed.

May - You are a god as well, Kyle?

Kyle - Yep. I'm also a deity. Moving on, This ability is kinda useful when of course you want to sense life auras that are really far away. The second reason why I arrived here on Earth is that I noticed that there is a crisis that is going on so yeah I helped Ash and his friends to decimate the enemies that were really strong enough to par the power of a god. Not to mention, they are a living thing called Pokémon. It was a bit challenging and chaotic but we successfully saved Earth from the crisis.

Hearing that made Lillie and the people in there except from the three boys be surprised and Lillie said to Ash,

Lillie - Is that true Ash? She said as she was sitting on Ash's left.

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