Oberoi mansion II

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Hi guys here goes the next chappy.

Happy reading 😍


After having a beautiful kitchen moment with the Obros, Anika and Shivaay were sitting in Shivaay's room, working in the project while Om went to his studio and Rudra went to the college.

"Shivaay now what about this project?" she asked him looking at some files while he was working on the laptop.

"Anika just follow my instructions we will compete the planning work in One hour." he said while she hummed.

He was working on the laptop while Anika was looking here and there tapping her feet but then something attractive grabbed her attention, his eyes, she stared at them intently, noticing them changing their colour.

"Hey! Your eyes are changing their colours like a chameleon." She exclaimed grabbing his attention from the laptop screen, he was surprised by this cause  from no where suddenly she opened up about his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that. I'm serious. I just told you the fact that your eye colour is changing." she muttered while he smiled at her.

"To be Frank Anika, I too don't know the reason behind it." He said frankly making her chuckle in response.

"That's ok, I thought you are working on the project but I didn't know that you were checking me out." He teased her and she gazed down all embarrassed.

"I was n..ot che....cking u out.. " She stammered not meeting his gaze.

"Anika just give me those files." He immediately diverted the topic while she gave him the files.

Since an hour both of them were working together on the project but now Anika was losing her interest.

"Ahh! I'm irritated now, due to this work load." she yelled in frustration making Shivaay look at her in horror, She stood up and walked towards the pool side.

She sat down dipping her legs in the water and closing her eyes while he was amused by her antics.

A moment ago, she was frustrated and now she is sitting there calmly.

Smiling at a her, he immediately wrapped up their work and walked to the poolside.

He sat down beside her dipping his legs inside the pool, he looked at her, who was closing her eyes but still the moonlight was making her look like An Angel.

He smiled and was waiting for her to open her eyes. As she opened her eyes, she saw him gazing the pool. 

Smiling at him, she tapped his shoulder, snapping him out of his trance.

"Shivaay, where are you lost?" she asked him while he smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing just simply" he replied her.

"I guess you hate to work for hours right?" he raised his eyebrow at her making her chuckle and nod her in agreement.

"I can't work for more than one hour properly especially these files and all those, that's why I'll attend only some meetings coz I'm not so interested in this business." she spoke her heart out while he glanced up at her.

"I'm just attending these meetings only for Dad. Because, Dad wants me to become a successful businesswoman, but he never imposed it on me. I just want to be an successful event manager." she told surprising him.

"Event Manager?" he asked her while she nodded her head looking at him through her eyelashes.

"Event Manager is the best carrier option to choose for a girl like you Anika. I suggest you to talk to your Dad regarding this and I know he'll understand." He encouraged her and she smiled widely at him but then her phone started ringing.

She answered the call and squealed in happiness while shivaay looked at her. "You know what? Shivaay, Mallika and Haider have finalized their decision about Destination wedding.And they are gonna get married next week in Goa." she exclaimed and hugged him shocking him.

He reciprocated the hug feeling her soft, small body over his, her touch was creating havocs in his senses, he pressed a small kiss on her hair inhaling the fragrance of her.

"That's really a good idea." he smiled at her, parting away from the hug.

"And you know what they are gonna have a Catholic wedding. How cute!" she exclaimed dreamily and he smiled at her, pulling her cheeks.

"So you like Catholic weddings? Huh?!" he asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not that I like Catholic weddings but I love weddings because it is a step where you get involved into a relationship which lasts long forever, that too in presence of everyone. You promise your life partner to love her, trust her and care for her every second and every minute. And this step is nothing but marriage which shows that you are legally binded  in the that pure relationship." she lamented lost in her own thoughts while the person listening to her fell for her even more.

"What is your opinion about Love Anika?" he asked her making her smile. 

"Ill will not tell you about love right know Shivaay.  Because, I  feel I need to express it at the right time and I promise I will tell you my opinion about very soon." she said and held out her little finger for him while he looked confused at her.

She immediately locked her little finger in his. "Pinky Promise" she exclaimed and  he smiled at her childishness.

"Anika why can't you think about planning Mallika and Haider's wedding, this will help you a lot." he suggested her and she looked surprised at him.

"Wow that's a brilliant idea Shivaay but I want you to promise me." she looked at him and he nodded his head.

"You are gonna help me in this and you are gonna be with me in this." she said and he smiled at her.

"I promise I will be with you in what ever decision you take Anika.  I will be with you. Promise." he said making her smile widely.

Only with you! Forever.


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