Cute morning

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Hi guys here goes the next chappy...

Happy reading 💟💟💟💟💟💟

Next day Morning, Shivaay smiled as he opened his eyes, His woman was sleeping peacefully in his arms, Her long eyelashes fanning on her pink coloured cheeks, her pink plump lips which he want devour all the time. "Mine" he thought kissing her forhead, adjusting the comforter on to her he walked into the washroom.

After making himself presentable, Shivaay walked downstairs to find Maria watching TV, he smiled "Good morning Aunty" he wished her, Maria smiled at him "Good morning Shivaay" she replied, Shivaay smiled walking to the kitchen, "Do you want anything Shivaay" Maria asked as she followed him to the kitchen.

Shivaay smiled rubbing the back of his neck "Actually I will make breakfast today" Shivaay revealed, Maria smiled "OK then, do you want any help" she asked him, he smiled at her "No Aunty.. I'll make it myself" He replied, Maria nodded walking away.

As Shivaay prepared the breakfast, arranging everything perfectly in a tray he walked to Maria "Now I should go to wake up My love... With this breakfast" He spilled out with a smile on his face, Maria let out a laugh "You are really so sweet.. OK then go" Maria replied patting his back, Shivaay smiled and walked upstairs.

Opening the room door, shivaay walked towarsa the bed and settled beside Anika who was sleeping, caressing her hair he kissed her forehead "Anika wake up" he gently voiced her, she snuggled pulling his hand closer to her "Shivaay five minutes" she muttered in a sleepy tone, Shivaay let out a laugh "I know Anika the time after those five minutes never come" he replied sarcastically.

Anika smiled in her sleep "five minutes please" she pestered pressing pulling the comforter on to her face, Shivaay sighed "Anika wake up now or else I have many ways to wake you up" he warned her, "Shivaay please five" her words died in her throat as he pressed his lips on hers sucking them, running her fingers in his hair she yanked him closer reciprocating the kiss, putting his hand on her small back, he made her sit up on the bed, deepening the kiss she titled his head, he moaned against her lips as she ran her tongue along his lips.

Creeping his fingers a little upwards into the shirt he trailed his fingers on her bare waist to and fro, she shivered at his touch, due to the lack of oxygen they parted breathing heavily, he grinned like a chiseled cat looking at her who us now wide awake "Finally you woke up... Waise I don't mind to wake you up like this everyday, you know it's a very good start of the day" he teased caressing her swollen lips with his thumb, she grinned.

"I too don't mind.. It would be a bliss if you wake me up everyday like this" She replied boldly, He smiled and pecked her swollen lips "OK then deal sealed.. Everyday I will wake you up like this" he spoke, she giggled nodding in agreement. "OK now go fresh up and come baby... We will have our breakfast together" He instructed, nodding her head she walked away.

After taking a relaxing shower, Anika walked out of the washroom drying her hair, she noticed that shivaay was on a call and she walked to the mirror to apply the sindoor on her hairline and adorn her neck with the nuptial chain, as she finished she turned to see shivaay still busy on the call. Ending the call, shivaay turned to see Anika.

Shivaay smiled "Now you know what

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Shivaay smiled "Now you know what.. You look beautiful in what ever you wear... In jeans you look perfect, in one piece you look hot and what not" he complimented, she blushed "And especially sexy in your shorts.. Those are perfect for our upcoming nights you know.. Easy for me too" He added winking at her, her mouth formed a perfect 'O' shape, she looked away blushing "Cheapde" she muttered, he smiled and pulled her towards him making her sit on his lap "Only for you baby" he replied pecking her lips.

"Billuji I'm hungry.. Now" Anika sulked pouting, forwarding the tray he gestured her to eat "You feed me" she said looking into his eyes, He smiled and forwarded a morsel of pasta for her, She ate with relish picking up the pasta with her fingers, she relished them licking her fingers, he chuckled at her antics.

"Don't you want to eat" She asked forwarding the morsel towards him, holding her hand he nodded in negative "Because I want to have this" He spoke licking her finger tips making the blood rush up to her cheeks. He nuzzled into her hair inhaling her fragrance, his personal brand "You smell heavenly" He stated kissing her neck.

"Billuji.. let's go out to visit a place" Anika said wrapping her hands around his neck, Shivaay looked at her stroking her cheeks with his thumb "Where do you want to go love" he asked her curiously, smiling she leaned to his ears and kissed his earlobe "The wall of I love yous" she answered.

Shivaay smiled at her "Wall of I loves yous" he repeated, she smiled sheepishly, he giggled and pecked her lips "As you wish love" he agreed, she smiled widely "I love you" she squealed kissing his cheeks. He giggled replying "I love you too"

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