Good note

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Hi guys here goes the next chappy..

Happy reading 💟💟💟💟💟💟


Settling themselves in the car, Shivaay started driving the car "Chill Anika we will reach to the venue on time" Shivaay chimed as he saw her getting tensed. "But Shivaay I need to check on the arrangements" Anika retaliated while Shivaay sighed.

"Is everything ready Khanna?" Shivaay asked him on the call. Compiling to his boss's order, "Yes sir" Khanna the poor soul replied saving himself from his Angry Boss's wrath. "Good!" Shivaay muttered and hanged the call.

Screening the phone towards Anika, Shivaay gestured her to hold to it confusing her and she complied. "Good Morning Anika ma'am" Khanna chirped from the other side on the video call, "Khannaji it's Anika for you" Anika replied frowning at him and she knows after these many times also why Khanna address her as Ma'am.

All thanks to her husband, who threatens that poor soul.

Khanna gulped at Shivaay's glare "Ma'am leave that now,  see are the arrangements perfect for today, if you want any changes I'll order them" Khanna informed adjusting the camera towards the arrangements.

What to do, His boss had ordered him to be at the venue and take care of the arrangements but no complaints as a loyal and trustworthy security head Khanna always complies his Boss's orders at any cost not out of fear but out of gratitude, respect and admiration towards his rude yet sweet boss.

Anika's eyes widened in shock, she can imagine how her husband might have threatened Khannaji, she shot an angry glare towards Shivaay who royally ignored it and concentrated on his driving.

"I'm sorry Khannaji for all the trouble I caused you, I'm really sorry" Anika apologized as she felt guilty for this man. "Anika that's not needed.. " Shivaay trailed of as he received a deadly glare. Sighing in disbelief, Anika pulled up a puppy face "I'm sorry Khannaji" She repeated, Khanna let out a laugh "It's ok ma'am and I never feel your work as burden, I'll happily do it" Khanna replied earning a smile from her.

"Ma'am now look into the arrangements" Khanna chided focusing that camera on every minor detail of the arrangements, Anika took a deep breath in relief as she took a look around the arrangements, everything is done perfectly. "Khannaji ask them to put these orchids near the table" Anika instructed while Khanna himself place those orchids in the place as said.

"We are here Anika" Shivaay's voice interrupted her as Greg car halted at the venue. Sighing Anika got down the car.

Whatever he did that was only for her, to save her reputation.

Moving towards his side, Anika pulled him out of the car surprising Shivaay "Thank you Shivaay" She chided hugging him, Shivaay smiled at her reciprocating the hug.

In spite of all his imperfections, she always love him and her anger towards him is like a air, which just blows in and blows away.

Dropping a kiss on her forehead, Shivaay cupped her face "All the best sweet heart, Make sure you don't stress yourself and Khanna will be with you all the time. What ever you need, just inform him" Shivaay chided making her giggle. "How can I forgot about khannaji, Mr. Monster. Khannaji, poor soul" Anika teased him.

Shivaay smiled caressing her face "I love you Anika and when it comes to you I don't care about anything except you" Shivaay claimed tucking her hair locks behind her ear. Anika flashed a wide smile to him.

This man will be the death of to her one day. So much love and concern for her always swells her heart.

Kissing his cheeks, Anika smiled "Bye Shivaay, I love you too. Pick me up at 3'o' clock and I want to go on a long drive with you" Anika voiced out her plans drawing patterns on his chest, Shivaay smiled widely "Really?" he asked her, she smiled nodding in agreement. Shivaay engulfed her in a hug, kissing her temple.

Waving a bye to Shivaay, Anika left leaving a smiling Shivaay behind. Ruffling his hair, He smiled "I love you Anika" He whispered to himself smiling like a love stick teenager. Khanna, who came out to escort Anika smiled as he glanced at his Boss.

Love really changes every damn thing about you, for example his boss.

Anika looked around "Thank you Khannaji, I'm really very lucky. One I have a best husband and two I have the an other best brother like Omru that's you" Anika lamented her heart out welling Khanna's heart in happiness. "And I have a beautiful and khidkithod sister like you Ma'am" Khanna chided earning a wide smile form Anika.

As the event started, Anika was showered with appreciations and some comments too. The event finally ended on a grand note  and was a successful one. Anika thanked her staff for their commitment towards the work and she knew that this wouldn't be possible without Shivaay and khannaji.

Anika frowned a bit as Akash approached her "Hi Anika, couldn't meet you as I was with Dad" Akash greeted, Anika smiled a bit "It's ok Akash" she replied while Khanna gulped his saliva, What happens if his boss gets to know that some other man is approaching her in an informal way.

"The arrangements are really beautiful Anika and thank you for such a wonderful work" Akash complimented forwarding his hand for a handshake, Anika nodded mumbling a Thank you with the handshake. "So should I drop you home" Akash asked while Anika nodded in negative. "Shivaay will be here at time" She replied while Akash nodded with a fake smile. "I'm here Babes" Shivaay chided kissing her cheek claiming her as his.

Anika smiled at him while Khanna sighed "Thank god" he muttered under his breath. "Khanna go back home, I and Anika will be late tonight" Shivaay instructed and Khanna compiled. Draping his hand around her waist, Shivaay gazed at Akash "So finally. A good success event" Shivaay said while Anika giggled at his over possessive husband. "Yeah Mr. Oberoi" Akash agreed.

"Ok then bye Mr. Malhotra. We will take a leave now" Shivaay chided with a formal handshake. "Bye Mr. Oberoi, Bye Anika" Akash bid bye while Shivaay passed a smile and Anika bid bye back to him.


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