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So back with an other update.
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Anika pulled up the duvet on Rudra and rested his head on the pillow. She caressed his hair planting a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the room.

Shivaay who witnessed everything, Fell in love with His lady again. The respect he had towards his woman has now increased.

The pride ran through his veins.

"She is my wife, Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi" He muttered to himself with a grin on his face and sprinted in search of Anika.

"Come Gauri now drink this milk, I'll ask the servant to serve you with fruits later. Now drink this" Anika said sternly to Gauri.

"Nahi Bhoujayi. I don't want to drink Milk. It's so yuck" Gauri complained pulling up a puppy face. Anika giggled and settled beside her.

"Ok Gauri don't drink" Shivaay commented as he settled beside Gauri and Anika. Anika gazed questioningly at him while he winked at her.

"Yes Gauri, see if you drink this milk then this milk give you all vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are required for the your little Omikee to grow up and to look cute and strong like your Omkaraji" Shivaay played his game and gauri looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah yeah don't drink. I know you don't want your little Omkiee to grow up" Anika played along winking at Shivaay and stood up to leave.

"No I'll drink the Milk give it to me, My little Omkiee should grow up and become strong like my Rudy bhaiya and intelligent like Shivaay bhaiya" Gauri voiced out grabbing the glass of milk from Anika and gulped it down in a go making them smile.

"Good girl" Shivaay praised gauri, stroking her hair softly and placed a kiss on her forehead while she smiled at him.

"Waise Gauri you are mistaken, your bade bhaiya is not intelligent, he is a big Billu, baggad billa" Anika commented teasing her, Gauri chuckled glancing at Shivaay while he glared at Anika, Anika giggled and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Anika" Shivaay approached her with a mischievous grin confusing Anika. She narrowed her eyes at him while he smirked and inched closer to her.

"Let me Show you what a baggad billa I am" He spoke picking up her in his arms. Anika's eyes widened at him and looked over to Gauri who was suppressing her laughter.

"Shivaay!.. What are you doing, drop me down on my feet" She yelled wiggling in his arms which only made him tighten his grip around her.

"Please Shivaay" She requested pulling up a puppy face but he looked at gauri and raised his eyebrow while Gauri laughed out showing him a thumbs up.

"Put me down Baggad billa" Anika growled hitting his chest with her tiny fist earning a laugh from him. "Do you really think you can hurt me baby?" He teased her pecking her nose while Omkara entered the living room passing a teasing grin.

"Ohho Shivaay public romance haan?" Om teased them embarrassing Anika, Anika glared at shivaay to which he shrugged his shoulders winking at Om. 

Om and gauri laughed out loud as Shivaay walked away with a wiggling Anika in his arms. "Baby why don't we also go into our room.. You know.. " Om was about to complete when Gauri sprinted away sticking out her tongue at him.

"Shivaay what was that?" Anika asked angrily as they entered into their bedroom, Shivaay smiled and settled down on bed with her in his lap.

"I was showing that I'm a baggad billa, your baggad billa" He reasoned winking at her, she glared at him. "This is not funny Shivaay" She reprimanded looking away.

Shivaay smiled tucking her unruly hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek "Thank you" He said out of no where confusing Anika. She arched her eyebrows with a pout adoring her face.

"Thank you so much babe for all that. I mean the way you explained everything to Rudra" He revealed grabbing her waist and brushed his nose with hers.

"Oh hello, he is my brother and I'm responsible for him, You need not thank me" She replied nonchalantly and looked away reminding him that she is angry.

"Hey that's my right OK. They don't mind" He defended himself earning a glare from him which scared him. "Ok fine I'm sorry babe" He apologized pulling up a puppy face which melted her.

But Anika being Anika, She twisted her mouth in a cute way making him smile at her antics. He leaned closer and pecked her nose "Sorry babe" He repeated to which she shrugged her shoulders faking anger.

Shivaay smiled and pressed his lips on her neck "Sorry" He repeated again looking at her. She gazed at him blinking her eyes due to which her eyelashes fluttered making her look too adorable for him.

"I love you" He whispered in his husky tone sending shivers done her spine, She smiled giving up and hugged him tightly nuzzling into the crook of his neck sniffing his unique scent.

He smiled reciprocating the hug peppering soft kisses on her hair while she snuggled more into his warmth.

"Babe are you sure that Rudra will be right?" He asked brushing her hair, She sighed and wrapped her hands around his neck facing him. "My Rudy boy will be alright, There is no need to worry about him Shivaay" She replied to his question.

"Some people are not meant to be together that doesn't mean they will waste their life. I know it's hard for Rudra but eventually he will be alright" She expressed playing with his shirt buttons. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I know there is no need to worry about him until you are with him as his support system" He chided gazing into her hazel brown orbs. "Until we are his support system" She corrected him resting her forehead on his.

Shivaay smiled pecking her lips and leaned back onto the headboard while she rested her head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

"I love you babe" His heart voiced out while he threaded his fingers through her soothing the tangles. She smiled and planted a soft kiss on his chest "I love you too my hubby" she replied snuggling into his warmth.


Precap : A family dinner and a secret couple date in their room.

Anyways guys I won't be updating for the next two days ie tomorrow and day after tomorrow as I'll be out of station. Hope you understand. I'll update it on Friday again.

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