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Anika brushed Rudra's hair calming his down while he rested his head on her lap. Rudra never experienced motherly love, he only had his brothers who took care of him as their little boy.

But when his Anika bhabhi entered in his life, He admired her a lot. She cared for him more than his brothers. She was always there for him in his hard times.

She always treated him as if he is her child. He always longed for mother's love and he finally got it from his dearly Anika bhabhi.

In this span of a week when his brother wasn't by his side, She was there with him. Though he knew she was missing his brother but still she spent her time with him, only for him.

She was the only one with whom he shared about the up downs in his relationship. She always made him understand the value of love.

"Bhabhi I hate her. When she behaved a bit freaked out from the last week, i taught may be mood swings but I never thought that she wasn't interested in me.

I hate the emotion called love bhabhi. It always leaves you with a heart break" He voiced out his views sobbing in her lap.

Anika smiled and ruffled his hair. She wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. "Never say you hate the emotion called Love Rudy. True love never leaves us with a heart break Rudra" She stated.

"For example, You have two couples just in front you, one is me and your bhaiya other is Gauri and Om" She was interrupted by Rudra.

"Bhabhi your love and our love isn't same bhabhi. There is a lot of difference" He commented looking at her innocently. She giggled pulling his cheeks.

"It is same Rudra. Love is always same, how you feel it depends on you Rudra. When you respect her instead of romancing her it shows how much you love her. I know you always respected her but did she respect you and your feelings.

If it is a yes then you can say the love between both of you is true. Tell me did she respect you and your feelings?" She asked cupping his face.

"Bhabhi she always used to respect me bhabhi. When ever I acted a bit immature, she always makes me understand but in the last few encounters, she behaved as if she is least interested in me" He shared with her.

"Did she tell you the reason?" She asked and ordered a servant to get the lunch for them.

"No Bhabhi, She only told me that she can't be with me anymore and she can't bear my immaturity anymore" He revealed lost in deep thoughts.

"Ok was she really uninterested in you? Did you feel that?" She asked him and he nodded in disagreement.

"I don't know bhabhi, I didn't feel anything as her words deeply hurt me" He reasoned her while tears flowed through her eyes.

"Rudy my boy don't cry" She consoled him stroking his back while the servant entered with a tray. Anika nodded with a smile and the servant left.

"Now first have your lunch, I know you haven't eaten since morning." She offered him for which Rudra nodded in disagreement and looked away.

"I don't want to eat Bhabhi. I'm already full with whatever happened today morning" He denied, She glared at him while he pulled up a puppy face.

"No Rudra you should never deny food. So now have it atleast for you bhabhi's sake" Anika said him sternly but pulled up a puppy's face which made him smile through tears.

"You are such a cute bhabhi. I'll have it bhabhi" He agreed, she smiled and bought the spoon to his lips for him to have it. He ate it wiping his tears while Anika smiled.

"Rudy tell me what happened today" Anika asked feeding him and Rudra smiled sadly remembering the happenings of today morning.

"Bhabhi I asked her to come to CCD but she denied. But I pestered her to come and agreed unwillingly. When we met she seemed least interested in my talks and ordered for herself and then suddenly she stood up and shouted that 'I can't bear you anymore. You are an immature child Rudra and I can't be with you.

I have many important things in my life other you. Don't be behind me, I'm really fed up with you and I don't care anymore. I'm sorry I can't be in a relationship with an irresponsible jerk like you'.

I tried to make her understand but she slapped me bhabhi saying 'Don't irritate me again' and then she broke up with me and walked away leaving me all broken" He narrated his story while Anika fed him.

"Ok then what did you understand Rudra?" She asked wiping his tears while he just glanced at her and looked away.

"Rudra I know you loved her by your heart but for her may be it was an attraction Rudra. Get one thing, Love never fails you. You loved her but she didn't, doesn't mean that you will become one devdas for her" She continued.

"Rudra what did she call you an Immature and irresponsible one right? Prove her that my Rudy is not an irresponsible and immature one. My Rudra is the best brother, best devar, best friend and best boyfriend.

Now it's your chance to prove yourself as the best person Rudra. Love failure means it lays another path for our life. It depends on you, which one you choose. If you still hang on this breakup and everything you can never move on in life.

Love and life teaches us many things Rudra never disrespect them. If not Soumya you will the best girl for you, some one who is compatible and perfect for you Rudra" She explained him while he gazed at her with admiration.

"Yes Bhabhi, I will prove her that I'm not an immature and irresponsible Rudra" He said with determination making Anika smile and he fed her warning a bright smile from her.

"That's like my Rudy boy" She praised him planting a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you bhabhi. You are the best bhabhi" He chided hugging her.

"I love you too My Rudy devar" She replied while he smiled wiping away his tears. "Bhabhi can I sleep by resting my head in your lap" He asked her innocently making her laugh.

"You can Rudra. You are always welcome" She agreed as she tapped her lap for him to sleep. He rested his head and closed his eyes while kneaded the sides of his forehead and top of his eyebrows like a soothing balm which lulled him to sleep.

He drifted into a deep sleep enjoying the motherly love from her while she brushed his hair softly.


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