My Rain

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(Qing's POV)

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(Qing's POV)

I was as surprised as everybody else was when the light in the auditorium was put out.

I thought something had gone wrong. Then I heard Guo Tao gege explaining about things over the microphone. About a surprise special performance.

Then, suddenly a spotlight was shone on a cage in mid air in the middle of the auditorium. Wou! This wasn't in the rehearsal that we did this morning. Who could be performing now, that they were so secretive about?

Then the camera zoomed into the cage, on a pair of eyes. Eyes that I could recognise anywhere, even with my eyes half close. I drew a sharp breath as I felt my heart stopped for a moment.

And then he began singing. In his clear and beautiful voice. Voice that I could recognise anywhere. Voice that I could hear even in my dreams. And I almost swooned; reduced to a pile of mess on the floor.

That's Dayu! I couldn't believe my eyes, my ears! I couldn't believe that he really is here! But he is. He really is!

My heart stopped which had stopped beating a few seconds ago was now slamming painfully against my chest. I thought it would break my ribcage.

I hadn't felt my heart beating like this for a very long time. Two years. To be exact. I hadn't seen Dayu this close in two years.

I watched, without blinking, as he danced in the cage; even with such vigorous dancing, he could still sing so good. That's Dayu. One of the best singer I knew.

Then to my horror, he opened the cage and threw off a rope and then slide down, so gracefully so effortlessly, like in the movie. That's when I saw him clearly. For two years I only saw him from afar.

He still looked every bit as pretty as I remembered him to be. No, he looks better. Way better. My heart clenched painfully. He is way sexier now. Too sexy. And everybody could see that.

He reached the stage and began dancing with his crew. A fascinating mix of street dancing and martial arts; and I know that he had trained well. Really well.

I had learned some forms of martial arts, since I was a child. Dayu's moves are on point. It wasn't just a dance routine. He really do know martial arts now. Not surprising as he's working in one of the best action movie of all time. He's bound to be trained real good.

I am proud and tormented both at the same time. Proud that he's becoming more and more great, and tormented because I wasn't the one lending him a hand.

And, good God. Dayu is singing an English song, mixed with some Chinese verse. And his pronunciation is flawless. I had always teased Dayu that his English sounds like Russian. But now; he sounds like a native speaker. Looks like he really did study in LA. Damn.

Dayu is amazing! I'm falling in love again. I thought bitterly. How many times along the years I had known Dayu that I managed to fall in love with him? Numerous times. Countless of times.

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