Sexual Tension

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BUU Dormitory Room Number 189

(Qing's POV)

Dayu and I looked at each other. He's not backing away and so was I.

I was standing and he was lying down on his bed but our bodies were straining towards each other.

His breathing was quickening, and his cheeks were flushing. And I was struggling hard not to jump on him and pin him under me on the bed.

Sexual tension.

We'd been having that; sexual tension, for months now. Dayu and I.

I love him. I am in love with him. I have been for three years now. So, is it any wonder if I have these kind of feelings?

Especially when I am practically living together with him. I saw him half naked everyday. I saw him going in for a bath and then emerging; skin glistening with wetness.

And don't start on his scent. Dayu's scent is the sweetest scent on earth. I'd never smelled anything as sweet as him. If I could put his scent in a bottle I would do that I could smell him wherever I go.

I had known since the first day that I moved into this dorm, I would be in a whole lot of trouble, in terms of my physical reactions to Dayu.

It was the hardest during the first few weeks, having reactions everyday. I was even reacting at the sight of him sitting down on the bed, reading; it was ridiculous. But it was understandable at the same time.

Ridiculous, because I am not some horny teenager who'd never had physical relationship with someone before. I had had sex. Plenty of it. Maybe way too early than I should have. But I had had sex. So, to be reacting so easily to someone was kind of ridiculous.

Yet, looking at it from another angle, of course I would feel like this. I had not had sex for more than three years. Imagine, someone who'd been having it often, suddenly not having it for three years. Of course my body would feel deprived. Though, it starved not for just anybody.

If I wanted to have just have sex, I could have it anytime. But I couldn't. I didn't want to. My body wouldn't react to other people, other than Dayu.

It hadn't been reacting to anybody else since that fateful day when I saw him coming in his purple hoodie; drenched from the storm.

So, yes. It was very hard for me in the beginning. Yet, as days went by, I began to be able to get my reactions little by little under control. Yes, I would still react to him often but I'd begun to be able to coax my body to relax, quickly enough.

It was all about practice. And I had been very successfully practising the control, though I had had a little bit of stumble these last few months.

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