Countdown to D-Day

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Present Day

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Present Day

Park Avenue Apartment, Beijing

(Qing's POV)

I'm doing the checklist for our wedding but I kept on getting interrupted by the sound of the voice, laughing in the living room.

That's Dayu watching our Counter Attack CDs, and he's probably laughing at me. I could hear him well through the open door of my study.

God. I really want to join him there. I just have to finish double checking the progress of our wedding preparation.


Dayu wanted to help me with the checklist. But as it's only a checklist; which is just more or less making sure that everything we had planned were going the way we wanted them to be and then keeping track on the progress so far; thus, I told him that I could do it on my own.

There is actually a bigger reason as to why I didn't want Dayu to do the checklist with me.

I had a feeling that if Dayu really do the checklist with me, he'd see the expense of the wedding, and then he would definitely freak out.

Like it or not, my beloved is one of the stingiest person I had ever met. He is the first person whom I know, used to not shop for clothings for two whole years. Then when we became lovers, and emerging actors and singers, even then, his stinginess still bite me.

Dayu might have forgotten a lot of things but his stinginess wasn't something he had only picked up in the last seven years. It's his natural ability. He would definitely throw a lot of fuss, if he saw these numbers in our checklist.

The last thing I want is for us to argue about money, right now. I worked hard to earn this. And one of the reason I worked so hard for; was to give us both the wedding of our dream. And it's not as if I couldn't afford it. But, I know, to the stingy Dayu, it's not a question of whether I could afford it or not. Dayu is just allergic to spending money. Period.

And worse, he might suddenly realised that I'm using only my own money for our wedding and decided he would pay for his half. I would really hate that. So before it comes to that I'm not going to let him near this checklist.

When Dayu still insisted to help, I smiled at him, and hugged him close, "You're already working hard at night..So, let me do this for us.."

That turned Dayu into a blushing beauty, as he lightly punched me on the chest.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He challenged me, bravely.

"Well..." I merely loosened my hold around him a little, to look at his beautifully blushing face, "I haven't been letting you sleep well lately..." it's true. We'd been making love every night, and though I made sure to be very gentle at first when I was still in control yet more often than not, my control often snapped in the middle.

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