Written Fate

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Present Day

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Present Day

Wang manor, St. Peter, Jersey, UK

(Dayu's POV)

I have a boy named after me. Qing's nephew; born on the same day as I was born twenty-one years earlier.

"Wou!.." It moved me, almost to tears, knowing that I was regarded so high, that Qing's sister named her son after me.

"He's five now.." Qing said, smiling, "a very responsible child. Very much like you.."

I blushed. I really want to meet the boy too. Wang Jian. And I also really want to see his sister.

"I haven't seen your sister though..." I frowned.

"She's pregnant with her second...Believe me. She wanted to come, see you..but she couldn't..." Qing smiled at me, reading my mind correctly.

I looked at Qing, he really was explaining everything to me, just like he said he would. He didn't leave anything behind.

The meeting with his mother, then with his family. Our sometimes magical and sometimes disastrous outings together.

It had barely been three hours but he'd pretty much told me everything that I needed to know.

What really got me, was the fact that he waited for me for three years.

I think I fell in love with him again, when he told me that.

"If there's one most lucky person in the whole world. I might be that person.." I told him earnestly, even as I blushed doing so.

Qing looked at me, a little taken aback.

"You; a tall, fair handsome, man- filthy rich, oh and smart as well." I looked at him, "and your rich, handsome,
family; all seemed to love me. I even got your nephew named after me.."

"And don't forget..you're also the guardian of Jun and Na.."

I nodded, "yes...that too.." I smiled as I thought of the two golden retrievers I have yet to meet.

"We're both men. But we fell in love and your family didn't object..but supported us.." it was amazing.

"Not just supporting us, they had been cheering for us. My mother and my sister; they adore you the most."

I nodded, accepting it finally. My good fortune.

"So..How did we really got together..?" I asked, I'm turning fiery red, but I have to know. It's important.

Qing gave me a smile. And it was really the widest smile I'd ever seen him made since he began telling me our history.

I know that the web series, called Counter Attack had something to do with it.

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