Listen to Your Heart

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Present time

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Present time

Wang Manor, St. Peter Jersey, UK

(Qing's POV)

I had apprehension when I heard what Chen said.

That he wanted to speak to Dayu. I must admit, it scared me for a moment.

Then, I heard what Dayu had told me earlier, about how, even if his memory was suddenly jolted back, it doesn't mean that he'd forget his present memory.

So, no matter how hurt he'd feel, he'd still be with me. Because he wasn't relying on his past memory only. He had his current memory to consider too.

And it's about time I trusted Dayu. All of this happened because I didn't trust Dayu and the depth of his feelings, in the first place. That's a mistake I would never allow to happen again.

"I'll call him.." I nodded, and I stood up.

Chen looked at me; as if he didn't believe that I'm actually agreeing to let him have a talk with Dayu.

I gave Chen a smile; a real smile. Chen is already swaying. He's looking at me in confusion, because he didn't expect that I would tell Dayu everything.

Like I said, we didn't have to ask for Chen's permission to be together. Our relationship has nothing to do with him or any other person for that matter. But, Chen's support meant so much to Dayu and to us both. It's not about whether he had the right to give permission or not, it's about Dayu and I owing Chen a lot. He's Dayu's best friend who's been there for him when I wasn't able to.

Then I walked back into the living room and my eyes met Dayu's in an instant.

I walked towards him, "Dayu ah..Chen wants to see you.."

"Qing ah!" Guo Tao gege and Wang Yu gege looked at each other and then looked at me, feeling shocked and apprehensive at the same time.

"Chen wants to see you.." I repeated and Dayu nodded. He stood up, taking my hands in his for a moment.

"Don't worry.." Dayu gave me a smile. And I smile back at him. Even though I'm still worried and scared, I had decided to trust in Dayu's judgement. Something I should have done two years ago.

Then Dayu walked out to the garden, where Chen was waiting.

"What are you doing Qing..?" Guo Tao gege asked, "you know..Chen isn't on your side."

"I know.." I nodded then I looked at Guo Tao gege and all the others one by one.

"I know that Chen isn't on my side..He's on Dayu's side.." I said, "all the more reason why he has to listen to Dayu's decision.."

"Are you sure?" Guo Tao gege looked at me thoroughly, "are you sure of Dayu's decision? This haven't been easy for you Qing..."

I breathed in, "I'm going to trust Dayu, this time..."

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