Writer's Note : Rain Falls Upon the Blue Ocean Part Two

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August 27, 2018

Dear Readers,

We finally meet again, after eight months, on this very special day. As promised, I will start on Book Two of 'Rain Falls Upon the Blue Ocean'. As for how many times I will update - I can't promise that, as I still have three active ff I'm working on right now. Hence, squeezing this one will not be easy. But, I can promise you guys this. I will update weekly, for the time being.

It's our Dayu's birthday today; Happy birthday Day Dayu ah- may all your sweet dreams come true, may you be blessed with good health and prospering career, and of course wishing you lots and lots of love. And ahem- may you always have a happy and loving life with that certain someone.

And I dedicate this to you, Dayu ah, and to our Baba Qing. And of course, to all of you guys, of the QingYu fandom.

This is for our family.

From me, with love.

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