The Price of Fame

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Present Day

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Present Day

Dave's Custom Tailoring

(Qing's POV)

"You're here..!" Mr Dave Shiung, the founder and owner of Dave's Custom Tailoring; who had been making most of my tux for as long as I could remember, came out to greet us, when we arrived.

Dave gave me a brief handshake and a hug and then turned to Dayu.

"Dayu!" He wailed, embracing Dayu tightly, "it had been such a long time since I had seen you.."

Dayu looked at me, over Dave's head; and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Uhmm..." Dayu smiled, when Dave finally let him go, "yes..I'm sorry..." he stammered.

"Dayu was busy in the states, Dave.." I provided the most logical answer.

Then Dave turned to me, looking at me accusingly, "you know that I never asked about the two of you..even though you'd never brought anybody else but him ever with you, here..I was heart broken, when you suddenly stopped bringing Dayu over. I thought you two had broken up..You could have at least tell me that you're still together these two years. You know how much I like Dayu.."

"Wou!" I had never seen Dave losing control like this. In fact I'd never heard Dave raise his voice not even a tiny bit all these years, "Dave..Calm down..!"

"You.." and he shocked me further by punching me on my arm, "should have told me..I really agonised seeing you these two years. Coming here; no light on your face, talking like a robot."

"Sorry.." I didn't know that Dave noticed. Even though Dave had been my permanent tailor, he'd never asked or talked about me to anybody. In fact he had dozens of other celebrity costumers; yes, he's that good, if he wasn't he would not be on Forbes' list of 100 best tailor in the world; but he never opened his mouth about his costumers to the media. He had only three apprentices and all of them had vowed their secrecy as well. Do, I always thought that Dave had made a clear separation between his emotion and his job. I didn't know, that we could affect him this much.

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