Clothes Fitting and a Side Story

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Present Day

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Present Day

Park Avenue Apartment, Beijing

(Dayu's POV)

I heard the commotion outside, and I knew Qing's making a ruckus.

"So..What do you think, Dayu ah..? Comfortable?" Mr Dave asked, after I put the tuxedo on.

I looked at myself on the full bodied mirror.

Mr Dave Shiung really is one of the best tailor in the world, as Qing had said. The tux, really felt comfortable, and it fit me perfectly in all places. The seaming is flawless. And of course, the clothing material is also the best. It's the best quality satin; as Qing had told me.

White satin tuxedo jacket laced with light purple on the edge, white silk shirt, white satin tuxedo trousers and purple bow tie. I blushed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a man about to get married.

Then I felt the warmth seeping into my chest, I felt my eyes tearing up. Actually, I am about to get married. In the next few days. I'm so happy.

"It's perfect..This tuxedo is perfect. Thank you, Mr Dave..." I turned to look at the genius tailor, whom Qing had great respect for, for obvious and right reasons, because I also like him. I've just met him but I like him. He put his heart and soul into his craft. And he took his clients feelings into real consideration. I'm sure that I liked him too, two years ago.

Mr Dave came with his assistant, today to deliver our tuxedos, for a fitting at home, after Qing discussed with him about our circumstances and how we wouldn't be able to come to his shop for the fitting.

"I'm glad.." Mr Dave looked back at me, and his eyes too weren't so dry either, "this meant so much to me. To be able to make this tuxedos for you and Qing..."

He really like us too. That's why this is personal for Mr Dave as well.

"Thank you." That's all I could say right now because my throat still felt dry as I choked up in my emotions. And Mr Dave, too, only nodded, fully understanding how I'm feeling.

We smiled at each other, biting back our tears. And Mr Dave patted me on my back then.

"We'll bring it back today, and get it cleaned and ironed up," he said, "we'll bring it over tomorrow..."

Then he sighed, looking at the door, "I better get to Wang Qing, now..they'd been pretty loud outside.." Mr Dave sighed. And I nodded, smiling a little.

Yes. Qing had been causing commotion for quiet sometimes now, outside.

"I'll go out now, Dayu ah.."

"Okay, Mr Dave." I nodded. I also need to take off the tuxedo and put it back in its casing for Mr Dave to bring back to the shop.

Mr Dave opened the door, just slightly so that Qing wouldn't be able to see me inside the room.

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