Intertwined Hearts

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Present Day

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Present Day

Wang Family Residence, Beijing

"I'm so nervous...." Dayu's mother was visibly trembling. Her husband put his hand around her shoulders, and patted her back.

"It will be alright.." Dayu's father squeezed her shoulder, then.

Then, the main door was opened, and a familiar figure walked out, with a smile on her face.

Madam Wang, Qing's mother, walked out, followed by her husband to welcome their most important guests of the night.

Dayu's mother and father walked out of the car together, then walked up the grand stairs, to meet Qing's father and father.

"Dayu fumu," Qing's mother and father greeted Dayu's parents with a bow.

"Qing fumu," Dayu's parents bowed back. Both of the women was trying to be calm, but as soon as they looked at each other, the formality began to dissipate.

Both side of the family; Qing's parents as well as Dayu's parents had already went through a lot together, especially their mothers. They had waited for years for their sons to be together the first time around, and then two years ago; when both families thought that they're only waiting for their sons to be ready to tie the knot; tragedy strikes. And everything fell apart.

Their sons went their separate ways, and didn't meet each other for two years. Nevertheless, everybody in the family knew that sooner or later Qing and Dayu would be together again. Nobody really took the separation as final. There's no way that Qing and dayu would be separated for real. Not when it's still clear to everybody that Qing and Dayu still love each other more than anything.

Still, the wait, for Qing and Dayu to be together again was not easy. It took a toll on both families. Both sides of the family couldn't see each other or speak to each other. Qing's parents just didn't have the courage to face Dayu's parents before that. In fact, the first time they met again after two years was at the airport on the day of Dayu's accident.

And now, finally they could meet again, in a better setting, not like when like the time they met when Dayu got into the accident and almost died.

Today, both sides of the family couldn't help but anticipate the meeting.

So, they just abandoned formality and embraced each other warmly, a little tearfully, before they walked in together into the house.

Dayu's parents had visited Qing's parents a few times during their two years together. That's how close their family had been actually. That closeness didn't change in two years. Even though they didn't see each other for two years, they still felt that closeness. They bonded straight away, when they met each other at the airport a month and a half ago. And today, it felt as if the two years didn't happen. They were just too happy to be able to meet again.

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