You Got Me at Hello

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A Day Before the National Higher Education Entrance Exam

(Qing's Friends' POV)

Qing was looking at his friends intently after he told them of his decision.

"Yaa..Qing ah..Do we really need to come?"

He smirked, "I need to convince my mother that I'm serious. We're seriously taking this entrance exam.."

"You're just going to flunk this right..?" Meng Zi, asked, knowing full well what Qing had planned to do.

"Yes, but subtly..It should not be too obvious.."

"Your mother is no fool, Qing..she would know that you flunked on purpose." Yan said, "she'd hunt us down with you.."

"Yes!" Zhou Er immediately agreed, "and your mother is scary when she's angry, Qing.."

"Very scary.." Jiang shuddered, thinking back at the many times, they had to face Qing's mother for the troubles Qing caused.

"Well..I'm also scary when I'm angry.." Qing flashed his deadly smile at his friends, " I got all of your bad pictures in my hand..I could distribute them to your parents in the next few second.." and he wasn't joking. He could and would do what he said, if they opposed him.

And his friends cowered. Yes, both of the Wang mother and son are equally scary.

They're the same, both possess the perfect physical attributes, especially their facial features,  that left other people gaping in awe, but both can turn into equally ugly monsters once you got on their bad side.

The difference is, they could run and hide from Madam Wang but they could never run and hide from Qing.

Wang Qing, the wild child of the Wang family; one of the oldest and richest family in Beijing and in China, had been giving his parents headache ever since he's in the elementary school.

He was a small kid back then, and he was bullied because of his stature; but he never took the bullying lying dow, he always retaliated by going into fights with the bullies even though they're bigger than him. Which often resulted in Qing being badly beaten.

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